Sara Elisabeth has arrived!

I (the "due next week but not quite ready" poster) now have a beautiful baby daughter - Sara Elisabeth, born Dec. 13, 2000 at 2:54 am and weighing 7lbs 11oz.

When she was finally there, I had a feeling like I have never had before - I can't explain it, but I was half crying, half laughing and just ELATED - I don't know if I have ever been elated before, let alone use the word in a sentence. Her daddy and I were just so thrilled that she was there, that it took about 5 minutes before I realized that I didn't even know if she was a boy or a girl and had to ask!!! But my doctor hadn't even noticed as she had handed Sara to the pediatric team so quickly (Sara had a bit of a rocky start as there was meconium in the amniotic fluid which she had swallowed) But she is now doing very well and we have been home for a day and a half. I have barely slept but I don't feel tired - but my husband falls asleep when we visit people! I guess I am still flying high - I am just fearing that I might "crash and burn" soon...

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