I'm home! Baby is doing great! S/he is now 9cm from head to rump, and my uterus is just up above my belly button, and my placenta is posterior, so all this stuff I've been thinking might be movement, actually *is*! S/he is also measuring the exact right size for her age, so her growth does not appear to have been affected. The u/s experience was terrific! The technician was really great about answering all my questions (and I had a zillion!).
There is still a fair amount of blood pooled between my uterine wall and part of the amniotic sac. The doctor said that it can take as long as 8-10 weeks for the blood to disappear. She is sending me for another u/s in 5 weeks, by which time she is speculating it will be mostly gone. Until then, I am to remain sedate in my activities :-( :-( :-(
My experience with my doctor was very frustrating. She's the sort who considers a woman to be a passive participant in the childbirth experience, and gets impatient with questions that might appear to challenge her assessment. I could type a whole rant about her attitude towards my questions, but I will refrain. Suffice it to say that I'm still steaming, and wishing beyond anything that I could be having this pregnancy with a midwife. Even my husband, who is the most laid back sort of character, was quite annoyed by her attitude.
Okay! So, I'll remain focused on the positive! Baby looked great! S/he's growing! I can breathe a sigh of relief.
Thanks for everyone who's been thinking about me! I appreciate your concern and support very much!