Running on treadmill vs. outdoors


I've been a runner for a long time, but have never run on a treadmill. I just recently joined the YMCA and was thinking of using it during the winter months so that I don't have to run in the dark (I have to run at night when my husband watches the kids).

Can anyone tell me their thoughts on the differences between running outdoors or on the treadmill? Any suggestions? Any treadmill programs? I know Cathe posted one a long time ago.

Bump on this Erica. I've been trying to figure out the best thing also. I am not a long time runner but I do want to incorporate it into my routine and am trying to figure out if a membership at the Y is worth it for me.

I run both outdoors and on treadmills. Of course my preference would be to run outside because of the scenery which reduces boredom. However, sometimes running outdoors is not possible and in that case I don't mind my treadmill.

When I run on my treadmill I absolutely must have music blasting or I have to have something intersting on the TV otherwise I would get bored to death. Another thing I like to do on the treadmill is run intervals...doing intervals keeps my attention span because I'm constantly changing the speeds for the fast/recovery portions.

Cathe did do a treadmill workout(see below), but you can very easily use the programs on the machines at the Y or come up with some of your own. Just be sure to vary your workout to keep it interesting.

Cathe’s Advanced Treadmill Workout:

3.4 - 4 min.
3.8 - 4 min.
4.4 - 4 min.
5.5 - 4 min.
6.5 - 5 min.
7.5 - 10 min.
8.0 - 5 min. (OPTIONAL!)
Slow down over 1 min. to 3.8
Raise incline to level 14 and walk uphill for 10 min.
Lower to level 9 and increase speed to 4.8 for 5 min.
Lower to ground level over 1 min.
Then do:
4 interval cycles of 8.0 for 1 min. and 6.0 for 30 seconds.
Finish with:
6.0 - 2 min.
3.8 - 3 min.
3.4 - 3 min.
3.0 - 4 min.

Hope this helps...let me know if you have more questions.

I very wise woman;-) taught me to keep the treadmill at 2% so that it is a more like the challenge of running outside.

Since my DH works looooong hours and I have children, I have to run on the treadmill during the week so I only get outside on the weekends. I'd like to get out more but I'm getting by!
Ditto to what's been posted! I'd much rather run outside-- more to look at, wind, etc. And being in KY, there are plenty of hills:) If I run on the treadmill, I'm constantly flipping tv channels or switching back and forth to the radio. 50 minutes seems to take forever... I've noticed, too, that I'll get this dizzy/vertigo feeling when running inside. I suppose it's from looking at the tv, then at my feet,then the tv,:p so much!

Take care,
I'm not a runner but have recently started using the treadmills at the school where my husband teaches. Thanks to a government grant, they have a new fitness room and all staff and their families can use the equipment before or after hours. Shortly after I started using the treadmill, quite by accident, I found a 45 min. interval walking workout in one of my Fitness magazines and gave it a try. Well, I'm addicted now. This is currently my favorite aerobic workout. I change the speed and incline every few minutes which makes the 45 min. whiz right by. For a period of 2 min, this workout even has you walking backwards at a low speed and 15% incline! I Googled a search for additional workouts and have several that I now use. I'm sure a runner could adjust the speed to accomplish the workout that they are looking for from these workouts. As there is no TV in the room, I now take a CD player with me and listen to music which also makes the time fly by. I really try to push myself, am dripping by the end of the workouts, and I just love it. Personally, I feel a treadmill challenges me much more than an outdoor walk/run, and being 58 yrs. old, I appreciate the cushioning of the treadmill. And, because I live in Wisconsin, I'll be able to continue with these workouts throughout the winter.

Erica and Nancy!

Erica....I am wondering if you had your surgery? If so, how did it go? Sounds like great if you are considering jogging! :7 Nancy...if it's not too much trouble, would you mind posting the workout? Sounds very interesting and as one who lives in Ohio, I could use a good workout for the winter time on my treadmill. TIA!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Debbie and Nancy!

Hi Debbie!!! I didn't have the surgery. I went for pre-op testing the week before my surgery was scheduled and the next morning, my knee started feeling better. I ended up cancelling the surgery the day before it was scheduled. My knee still isn't right, but it's a lot better than it was - the swelling has decreased, the tenderness is gone and my range of motion has improved. I'm gradually and carefully increasing my running distance and frequency. Running and high impact activities definitely aggravates it.

Nancy - I'd love to see the workout also!

RE: Debbie and Nancy!

GREAT Erica! That is good news to my ears! I, like you, felt mine would never feel better and often thought I would require surgery. I am just thrilled to hear it is improving and did so right before your scheduled surgery. WOW! DO be careful, which I know you are as you don't want a major setback again. Keep me posted on how you are doing. Yipeeee!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Love the Cathe Advanced Interval Run

Hi Erica,

I agree with Marietta. Doing intervals on the treadmill makes it go by much faster. I, too, have small children so running outside is not an option. Like Sarah said I get by too.

Watch out! That interval run that Marietta has posted, sneaks up on me every time I do it!}(

Also, glad you didn't have to go through with your surgery!:D

I am in the middle of recovering my knees. My doc said I have inflammatory. The medicine he gave me made my condition improve a lot. I am ready to get back to long run training, my ultimate goal is doing one marathon next year. Hopefull!;-)

I live in IL, winter is cold and day light starts late. I have no choice but run in the treadmill. Could you let me know what is the longest distance one can run in the treadmill? If treadmill is not good for long distance, if I keep running 15-20 miles per week and peak up next June. Is it going to be enough for me to build my endurance and speed (my goal is to do it 4 and half hours) in early Oct? (Chicago Marathon is in Oct). Currently I can run 4 miles around 6.5 mph in treadmil with 0.5 hill.


Erica I run both indoors and out. Right now I have a knee problem so unless I can run on a trail, the treadmill works best for me. I have my treadmill in the dining room and always watch TV or stick in a movie. I don't mind it but you do need something to do. I don't seem to get so bored if I'm just walking but I get really bored to just run with no TV or music.

My treadmill is programmable so I can do intervals or fat burning programs etc. I can also create my own program or just run it manually. The incline goes to 15% so I can get more then enough variety on it! So, as far as "Is it as good as being outside?" There's nothing like running outside, but you can still get a great workout!


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