Runners Check in April 13th


Hi Gals,

How is everyone? Any bad knees out there?;)

Im not sure if i will be doing anything today b/c i have to much housework to do and I am back to work tomorrow.If I do get to workout I wil be running outside and my distance all depends on my energy level.
Whats everyone else doing today?
Have a good one!
No running, no stepping, no kicking, no punching, no lifting, no NOTHING for me AGAIN today!x(

I'll tell ya, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!:p

I am hoping to re-join you ladies by monday...HOPING!;)
Good morning Lori & Wendy!

Yesterday was my 3.5 mile run. Unfortunately it looked like rain so I had to run on the treadmill. On my plate today is an easy 2 mile run because I will have to do my long run tomorrow instead of my usual Sunday due to family obligations & Easter this weekend. The weather is supposed to be warm, near 80, and very sunny so I plan to run outside. I'm just happy that I will be able to get in tomorrow's long run first thing in the morning because my work always closes on Good Friday. Yeah! Afterwards though I will need to mow grass and tackle housework like you are doing today Lori. It is a never ending vicious cycle.

Wendy, I hope you start to feel better soon.

I hope everyone has a great run today!

Wow, sounds like you have quite the plan of attack! Good for you! Once question, if I may ask...why isn't DH mowing the lawn!? }(
My knees are not sore, and I am thankful.

I do feel a tightness in one calf and the oppostie groin while running. Yesterday I iced them for 20" after running and stretching.

I notice other DOMS today in my glutes and one inner thigh, but I did Kick Max blasts and walked the golf course, on my off running day. Today was also a nonrunning day, And for cardio, I did a KPC premix hoping to work out some of the soreness.

Tomorrow will be my standard 5.5-6 mile run. What are all the other runers up to?

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Success is acheived by early preparation
today and tomorrow are rest days for me. my half is saturday so I want to be rested up. have a nice day everyone!!:)
Hi bad knees here...:)

Sorry to hear you are still sick Wendy...sounds like a nasty bug...:( calfs ususlly don't bother me but my massage therapist tells me they are always tight! And she seems to take care of that..:)

Kristi...enjoy the nice weather when you run is good! Let us know how the half goes. Good Luck!!!

I believe I could be not hearing rain for the first time an quite a few days! YIPPEE! I'll be doing a 5 mile run and some stretching...

Enjoy your running...:)
Good question! Actually, I really like push mowing the lawn. It gives me an additional workout because our backyard has a big hill and it takes an hour to push mow it. I was even mowing when I was 9 months pregnant with each of my kids. The looks I got from neighbors was priceless. DH also works a lot more hours than I do so it is hard for him to do it because he gets home too late. It's funny, DS only knows me as the one to mow grass.
good morning cathe runners:)
today's workout: did TJ's KPJ for 35mins and then did 30mins of SS SHAPE it up!
I'm feeling lean and mean today!

beautiful weather here in WEST TEXAS!!! it got to about 85 and just beautiful! same thing here today.

Kristi: wow, hills and mowing and pregnant!? I would have given you the LOOK too! LOL

Laura: good luck on the half this weekend..will be thinking of ya!!!!

My left knee is kinda acting up...nothing major...thank goodness!!

ya'll have a good one!

take care;)
Question of the day: When training for a 1/2 or full marathon, or running long distances in general, what is your diet like? How about water intake? Do you count calories?

Right now I'm still zigzagging my caloric intake to try to reach my goal weight (1400 on low days & 1600 on high days), but I know that I will need to reevaluate my diet soon to fit my training goals. Are my calories too low? Any suggestions? I know I need to start drinking a lot more water too.

I am crosstraining today, the plan is to do 1/2 of Low Max tonight along with GS shoulders. I have been so busy this week that I have been missing some weight workouts, so I may just do a full body workout or upper body workout.

I can't wait for my run tomorrow. We have off work for Good Friday (theoretically, though I will probably have to go into work at some point in the day) so I will have time to head over to the park to run.
Tig, I really hope you are 100% for Easter!!! Rest, rest!

Laura, I will be thinking of you Saturday! GOOD LUCK!!

I did 3.2 E-A-S-Y miles today...that is it! Resting the body for this Saturdays final massive long run! 20 miles! Then a 3 week taper to marathon day! 23 days to go!!

Kristi, My diet really depends on when and how far I am running. During the week, I do a fasted cardio because I am not going that far. As soon as I am done stretching, I fuel up with a recovery drink, oatmeal, fruit and egg whites. Lately, I have also been mixing natural peanut butter in the oatmeal (no, I am not pregnant).

I never fast before a long run! 1.5 to 2 hours before, I eat oatmeal, fruit, peanut butter and egg whites, then follow with the recovery drink.

As for water, I usually consume 36 oz. of water with the first 10 minutes of being awake. It is hard to get the first chuggs down but it is worth it! I have been doing this since Jan. 1 and it is serving me well!
Hi Ladies,

I had 2 meetings today back to back and could not do my 4 miles at work and now I'm grouchy. I do have my upper body workout to do at the gym tonight and I may be able to run on the treadmill there, which I hate, it just seems so long to do it on the treadmill. Oh well! It's better than nothing.

Diane, It's just a drink that replenishes what was lost during the intense workout. Mine has tons of vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, sodium, some calcium, a ton of carbs, some protein and hardly any fat. It just helps the body stop the "breaking down" process and gets the "rebuilding" process started. I use Endurox R4, bought it at GNC and I have seen it in the Road Runner Sports catalog for an excellent price!
I will definately let everyone know how I do on saturday!! My friend will be pacing me so I am curious to see how I do with his help. thanks for all the good wishes!!!!
Good luck to all the racers and runners out there. Good weekend for it, seems spring has officially sprung. I ran 7.5 yesterday, three flat and 4.5 hilly. Ate way too light yesterday about 1200 kcal and woke up at 3 AM STARVING! It's been a non-stop eat fest today.

Rest today, hitting it again tmw.

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