Rotation Results Question


New Member
I would like to get some opinions as to which type of Rotation would yield better results. I currently have 27 workout videos that I like and use - 9 step aerobics, 9 strength training (full body), and 9 floor aerobics. I do 6 workouts per week - SA / ST / FA / SA / ST / FA. I rotate through all of my videos before repeating any. Would it be better to rotate through the videos in blocks? (For example, using the same two ST tapes for several weeks before switching off to two others? Currently I roll through all 9 ST tapes before starting over). I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas that anybody would like to share. Thanks!
Wondering same thing

I have been wondering the same thing about strength tapes. I just got the 2 upper body PS tapes and decided to use only them and bodymax for 6 weeks and see what happens! Before I have used different tapes each week.
Hi, Susie--I'm trying something similar

I'm about to start my 3rd wk of a rotation using the PS upper body tape two days with MIS on the other day. I've been using FIRM Tough Tape and Upper Body since March, so I am building on that, with increased reps and weights. After about 8 wks, I'll probably change again--still keeping at least three strength workouts/wk. and 3-4 cardio. I'll watch for your comments here when you've been at this for 6 wks. Best wishes!

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