Rosie O'Donell-OT


Does anyone else just wish this woman would shut up? She thinks she knows everything and if you don't agree with her you are an idiot!
I swear I am gonna stop watching the view. But then I get sucked in to she what she's gonna rant about.
Ok, I am done with my ranting.;)
I totally agree with you! She is so loud and so opinionated and just downright mean. I can't imagine why Barbara Walters wants her on that show. I'm offended every time I watch it, which is not very often.
I agree! I found myself saying to her the other day "would you just stop?" Then I turned it and decided never to watch again. Good time to work out!!!
I rarely watch the View, but I must say it's much more interesting w/Rosie. I've only seen it a handfull of times but it bored the daylights out of me. I think I've seen it once since she came on board & the one thing I can say is I wasn't bored. ;-)
>I rarely watch the View, but I must say it's much more
>interesting w/Rosie. I've only seen it a handfull of times
>but it bored the daylights out of me. I think I've seen it
>once since she came on board & the one thing I can say is I
>wasn't bored. ;-)

This is me also. I did not care for the Veiw before Rosie...she makes the show...JMO :) Elizabeth is the one I want to slap some duct-tape on...;)

I agree with you. I find myself saying at the beginning of the show when they're all yelling over each other "SHUT UP!!!". Then I usually change the channel. I really like Joy and Barbara, can't stand the "all knowing" Rosie or Elizabeth.

When she had her own talk show I found her really funny but now I couldn't be bothered with her. I perfer the Donald, bad hair and all! LOL:)
Can not stand any of them. HATE the View, to much Political BS for a talk show. Leave that to the 24hr news networks. IMO I think if you like Rosie/Elizabeth depends on what side of the political aisle you fall ;-)
Give me Rosie anyday - Elizabeth is so immature, like trying to be a young Ann Coulter with her ignorance and everything black or white...Rosie is ANGRY with the insanity gripping the country (and I blame both parties) and I don't blame her!
I don't understand why it bothers people that Rosie is constantly giving her opinions. That is her job after all. She is supposed to give her view and lead the discussion segments on the View. I think she is a passionate activist, something this country needs MORE of, imo. And she's incredibly generous. She gives and gives of her time and her money. You may not agree with her opinions or her style, but it's hard to argue against her charitable way of life.

I watch The View BECAUSE of Rosie. In my opinion, Elizabeth needs to get a clue. I was watching the other day when Elizabeth was telling how she got into a fight with a woman on an elevator because the woman told her daughter to get her binky out of her mouth and that she was too old to have a binky. Can't people say what they think without having others snapping at them just because they're not the parents? I think the idea of a binky is a stupid one, and growing up all the kids that had binkies and stuff like that around me were spoiled brats. Maybe the woman should've kept her mouth shut, but since she didn't, why was that a reason for Elizabeth to get into a fight with her? If I were the woman I would've said: "Well let her be a spoiled brat like YOU are!!!" :p

I don't think this is about taking political sides (although some people do that unfortunately). There are some people that I like to watch even if I don't agree with them politically. I like Glenn Beck on CNN and I don't agree with most of his views. It's all about entertainment.
Elizabeth actually didn't get into a fight with the lady in the elevator. She held her tongue. Rosie said she should've said something. I don't disagree with some of Rosies views. I just think she goes about it in the wrong way. IMO, she is a bully. I think Elisabeth, who BTW, I usually don't agree with should tell Rosie off. She needs to stick up for herself. I do think it makes for great tv, however, I am getting really sick of Rosie. She is such a hypocrite. So against the patriot act and how it will change the constitution. Ummmm, wonder what would happen if they decided to not allow us to bear arms. How would Rosie feel about that? She would be totally on the bandwagon. Sorry this is so long but I am just soooooo sick of her.
I thought she did because Joy said "you're always fighting with people on the elevator". Oh well... I still agree with the woman about the binky comment. :)
>Rose. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be mean!:) I am just
>getting a little worked up. LOL

No, no, don't even. I really respect people's opinions even if they're not my own. :) It's cool. Trust me. I'm just chilling here and reading some posts. (I still think Elizabeth needs a clue and you think Rosie is the one that needs to change... meanwhile ABC gets some ratings and some more $$$ :p)

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