Roomba Vacuums


My siblings and I are considering giving our parents one of the Roombas for Christmas. Anyone have one of these and if so, which model and how do you like it? My parents are somewhat "electronically challenged" and do much better with "plug and play" type machinery so ease of use would be a big consideration as well.

Thanks, Sue
My brother & my cousin has the Roomba and they both adore it! I am not sure which model but will try to find out for you. I've watched my brother put his out for use and it seems very simple to use. He just pulled it off the charger and pressed a button or two and it was off!

My brother has mostly hardwood floors and it does a really nice job on his house. My cousin has a few throw rugs and finds that sometimes it gets caught on the rugs but eventually, it makes its way around and cleans up rather well. Plus, her dogs gets extra exercise that day chasing the Roomba around! }(


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