Rock Bottoms Tue 6/6


Morning Ladies,

This morning I did a 3 mile run. I will do the CTX Upper Body and BBW after my hair appointment tonight. I tried out the BBW last week, just to see how long or hard it was going to be. I was sore for a couple of days. :D

Is anyone else going to be adding some additional cardio into the rotation? I usually do between 5-6 days. But with the Saturday option of doing the run and then the (pick something that needs it most). :) What are some of the options you may have chosen? I was planing on doing some stretching on Sunday. I always like to do additional kickboxing, so I'm thinking of that as my needs it most.

Have a great day!

Morning Laurie! CTX UB and BBW are complete and my body is tired. I wish I had the time to add on cardio today, but I'm alreay running behind as it is. I can't wait to see how I feel tomorrow.

Have a great day!

Hi Laurie and Katie-

I don't have CTX so I have done MM upper body and the BBW. WOW, after those 300walking lunges yesterday and BBW today, I'm askeered about getting out of the bed in the morning.:eek:

I'm doing the rotation pretty much as listed except for a couple of substitutions for DVDs I don't have. I'm not adding additional cardio as I'm a skinny ecto who does not want to lose any weight, I want more muscle. Alas that 's hard for me. We all have our issues don't we.:)

Will check in tomorrow. Have a great day.
Hello fellow rotationers.... I started the June rotation today so the double w/o's would fall on Sunday and Monday would be my rest day.

IMAX1 and 300 walking lunges today.

Til tomorrow
OK, I have a ? I am not doing this rotation- yet. But when you do the walking lunges do you all do them at once?? Or is anyone doing them in sets. I just can not imagine me being able to do 300 walking lunges.


As with everything, work up to 300 if you haven't done them before. When I started doing walking lunges, I could only do 50 before I had to rest. I can do 400 now. Do as many as you can and when you can't go any more, rest a bit and then start again.
Thanks Jane. My lower body endurance sucksx( I will definately have to work up to those when I decide to do this rotation ( do you sense a little procrastination?)

OMG, I can do something Catherine can't...300 walking lunges with no problem.:p OK, so I have DOMS the next day, but I do the lunges with no stops, no rest.:)

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