Reminiscing on a Run

I am running again and was thinking while I was running how I got started. It was in February of last year. I hate being cold and I thought I don't have to be cold anymore so I ran, and I ran and then the snowflakes came. I remember it felt like 90 degrees out there to me and there was the snowflakes flying all around my face almost blinding me. That was so wild! The neighbors came driving by and asked me if I was freezing? Heck no, I told them. I loved every minute of it and kept it up until it started to get hot and then I stopped running. Now I have got to build myself up to stay outside longer, but now it will be getting hotter. Uh, oh! Oh, well. Funny, how the cold can get someone motivated.
If you run, how did you get started?

I started 6 mos. after I quit smoking. I could always do fairly intense cardio but my capacity increased exponentially after I stopped those nasty cigs. So I figured I'd give it a try. I still don't like it much but when I want to lose weight quickly or if it's my only cardio option I'll do it.
I needed to lose some weight after my second child was born and decided to try running. I was slow and couldn't go very long at first. Eventually I was running everyday and lost all the weight. 6 yrs later I had another child and have struggled with losing this weight for a couple of years know. I started running again back in March just 2 or 3 times per week, 5-7 miles each time. My weight yo-yo's so much and running seems to be the only think that has consistently helped me lose weight.

For me it was 2 1/2 years ago. I was on the treadmill at my apartment complex gym and I was on this walking uphill kick. Well one day I needed to get my workout done quicker because I had plans, so I ran. Before I knew it 4 miles had gone by. So the next day I went back and by the next week I was officially running 20 miles a week. I know now that's not a good way to start because I didn't even have good shoes (were they even running?) at the time. But I learned the hard way and got it right and 2 1/2 years later it's a great love of mine!
My husband got me started running ...I always wanted to run, but could never run more than 2 blocks at a time. I think I've been running consistently for about 5-6 years now.

He ran in college so he was able to help me get past my "mental" hang ups and taught me how to push myself.

Now I run and he doesn't (hmmmm)...but I absolutely do love it. It amazes me how far I can run now especially when I think about how sorry I was in the past.

I was a sprinter in high school (100 and 4x100 relay were my drugs of choice). I could never do long distance back then, or at least I convinced myself I couldn't. After my DD was born and I started working out consistently, I was taking the dog out for a walk one night and I decided that I would try. I wasn't dressed appropriately or anything (at least I had decent enough shoes), but I just started running. Confused the heck out of the poor dog. Anyway, I ran until I couldn't breathe, then I stopped and walked for a bit. Then I ran again.

After a while I had to leave the dog at home, because I was going too far for her. Then one night I measured my run and I'd run 10k. And I've never looked back. Running distance is still really difficult for me, but the endorphin rush sure is addictive;)
Our church has a Labor of Love run every Labor Day. Proceeds go to The Pregnancy Crisis Center. You have your choice of a 1-miler or a 5-miler. (I had walked the 1-miler in years past but about three years ago I decided to train for the 5-mile jog. I got up to 7-8 miles just about a week before Labor day and broke my toe!!! I was lucky to get shoes on let alone jog! Waaaah! Maybe this year I'll try again. I love the feeling when I finish a run. There is just an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. I find the first mile THE hardest and then, I just go & go. (Only up to 3-ish miles so far after coming back from my knee injury. Wow, sounds like I am injury prone. I think those are the only two injuries in all my years of exercise. KNOCK ON WOOD!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Mid-Life Crisis. 39 years old and my oldest daughter home on Spring break from Freshman year at college. Seems her roommate convinced her running was good. DD asked me if I wanted to go along for a short run and I said sure....3 blocks later I had to stop...

I decided that by the time she came home for summer I would be able to go a least a mile and not embarrass myself again. By August, I had worked up to 3.5 miles and ran a 5K in under 30 minutes (my goal). I've been running for 3 years now and I love it. I have done a few 10K's and plan to some day work up to half-marathon.

I was always a walker, but running makes me feel athletic (something I never was in school). It also helped me to lose a few pounds.

Irony of the story is that DD lost interest in running soon after roommate moved out, but I gained a new hobby.
A little over two years ago I started on Weight Watchers and lost 35 lbs., went from a size 14 to an 8 and started an exercise program with the Firm. I walked but never could run for any length of time. After I had been doing The Firm for a while, I discovered Cathe and started her workouts. While I was out one day walking, I decided to jog a little and to my amazement, my legs felt stronger and I was actually going further than I had ever before. I ran a mile and a half that day and I couldn't believe it!!! I guess I had built up my cardio and leg strength with Cathe's workouts and didn't realize what the full benefits were until then. Now I run in 5K's and run two to three times a week. Nothing like letting your mind wander while your feet are eating up the ground.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962)
I was stuck in 140 lbs, hormones or platou was the problem, I couldn't go lower than 140 in spite of my biking and stepping, so I thought maybe if I run, so I tried it, 5 minutes the first time, then 10mn, then 20.. and that is how I started, I went all the way down to 120lbs, I shed those lbs in no time, I dont even remember how long it took me, I hit the runners high and all I could think of was my next morning run. Hurray for running! Now I run for fun!

The older I get the more I love me.
I started running when I was 18 and I wanted to get in shape. I started out very slowly, alternating running and walking until I was running 3 1/2 miles a day, six days a week.

I stopped running at the age of 24 when I got pregnant with my first. After giving birth, I started using exercise videos. I haven't run since...

Just reading all your responses makes me want to try incorporating running back into my routine....the endorphin rush...I remember it well.

hello! great thread!
I started WW in 2002 and lost about half of my total weightloss when I decided to start running. I have always been a walker. but, I was reaching a plateau and decided to give running a try.

Needless to say, I lost the rest of my weight rather quickly. I lost almost a total of 70lbs and I am still running.

I began on the TM..walking and then running one minute here and there until eventually I was running 20mins straight!! Now, I can run 5miles before I take a break and continue on. The longest I have run is 6miles. I would love to do a half marathon. I need to work on this a little more.

I started when I was in High School my senior year. My girlfriend and I ran 2 miles before Volleyball practice. It was great for weight control. I ran in college (not with a team) and thru the first 4 years I was married. In 1984 I quit for 8 years due mostly to Achilles Tendonitis. I did other types of cardio for that time and discovered Cathe and Stepping about 89-90. I started running again in 1992, I was in Southern Cal at the time and ran to the beach and back with my sister, about 8 miles...OMG was I sore the next day????[/img] My nephew thought it was quite amusing watching me walk down quads were screaming. Ran my 1st marathon in March of 1997 and much to my sisters regret fell in love with distance...I do prefer long runs on trails these days...and it seems 50K's call to me. The endorphins are incredibly addicting...:)..Carole

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