Recurring fever?


I think I"ve posted before about my constant bouts with flu bugs and colds & the frustration I feel because of it. well now, i'm beginning to get a tad concerned because I keep getting a fever....every few weeks. no other symptoms but a fever - around 100 or 101. i have an appointment with my doctor for blood work in two weeks. but, i am a bit concerned. anyone with any thoughts?

My daughter sometimes gets these 24 hour bouts with fever: it is a sign that she is totally whacked out, sleep deprived, and has no more energy to give. I put her to bed very early with fluids and let her sleep it off, and she always does. Then I spend a week feeding her up: my choice of dinners with very high nutritional value and no junk. I sometimes let her take the day off school to just laze about and read for pleasure in bed and accordingly, these fevers are gone by the following day.

The first thing I would ask you is: how much training are you doing? The inability to shake off minor health disturbances is a classic sign of over-training. Your immune system is under par, has been compromised. It may also be that your body is giving you signs that you are under too much stress (maybe from work, family demands, financial strain, and exercise is another stressor placed upon the body) and have been for a while, and your nutrition has not been adequate to the demands being placed upon your body.

I would take 1 or 2 weeks off from working out and start eating like a Queen, high potency nutrition, get your energy reserves back up there. A vacation might work wonders for you also, if you can schedule it.

What are you worried about right now? Are you under more stess? Do you have deep anxieties about something and are you perhaps not acknowledging them? The body is not stupid: anxieties and psychological issues show on the body, this is how they manifest themselves, as physical symptoms, especially when we are in denial about them.

Rest, eat well, and do a bit of soul searching: then do see your doctor, but also, speak to some close friends and open your heart and mind to them: what's bugging you? Get it out into the open and then deal with it as best you can.

Hoping this helps,

My mom had the same problem. She was in the hospital after surgery.
They could find nothing wrong in her blood (they would wait for her temp to go to 101 and then take blood). They treated her with different antibiotics to no avail. After a cat scan, they found a sinus infection. Keep in mind, she did not have any symptoms other than a fever. They put her on a broad spectrum antibiotic and it cleared right up. My sister's friend's husband had the same thing happen to him. No sinus pain, no discharge, etc. Good luck, I hope this helps!
Are you sleeping enough? Are you stressed? When I was in college, I was sick and feverish all the time, especially at the end of a semester. I can't tell you how many times I sat for finals with a temp of 103 or 104. I caught every bug that came around. But I was under a lot of stress with a family, job, and a double load at college, in addition to sleeping only 3-4 hours a day and often less.

Be sure to have yourself checked out thoroughly with a doctor, and if he/she finds nothing wrong, ask yourself if you're simply pushing your body too hard.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

Yes - I am under stress - but who isn't? I don't necessarily always get enough sleep and I'm always pressed for time - work full time, two kids ages 4 and 2 and serious finanical issues. So maybe it is stress? I find it hard to squeeze in workouts - always trying to find time - but never enough. i eat a clean diet but i'm always sick. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'll be anxious to hear what the doctor says.
Everyone is under stress, but not everyone deals with it in the same way. Yours is showing up as physical symptoms, which from my experience with depresssion and panic disorder, can be the tip of the iceberg. Take steps to address your stress issues now, because stress takes a huge toll on your health, and can eventually lead to cardiovascular trouble if left unchecked. I think your body is giving you clear signals that it cannot cope, that something has to give and changes must be made in your life to make it more tenable. Something has to give: but don't make it your health because your little girls need a healthy Mum. You may have to accept work out less than you'd like to in order to get the rest you need.

How much do you work and work out each week? Do you have a partner to help out with the children or are you raising them alone?


I work 40 to 45 hrs a week. I'm married and my husband helps - but not with the laundry, dishes, cooking etc. that falls on my lap. he tries - but when he cleans, its just not the same! I do know that something has to give and i've cut back on my workouts. I use to get up at 5am every day to work out....but then, with the recurring fevers and colds, i cut it back to 2 days a week. now, i'm wondering if i can work out at all. if i don't do it in the morning, i can't get to it during the day. after work, its supper, baths for the kids and making lunches and preparing dinner for next day, plus regular clean ups. by the time that's over - its 9:30 and i just can't work out then. now that i'm not working out in the morning, i'm up at 6:15 - a little easier but not much. that's why i always worked out at 5am - i figured if i slept in - it would only be an extra hour anyway. so we'll see...when i go to the doctor i'll speak to him about it. in the meantime, no workouts for a while -as much as that kills me. my fever this morning was 101 - and here i am at work! i'm sick of being sick and tired of being tired. i guess its just for a while....

you are trying to do it al and no wonder you get sick!

You and I both have to learrn to let go, to lease control to someone else: to delegate some of this house and family chores to the hubby. I am in the same boat as you: I do it all too, and hence the nature of my sickness.

You are letting your husband get away with murder: he tries to wash up and cook and do the laundry? What does that mean? Don't let him get away with this. You owe it to yourself and your right to be healthy to get him way more involved than this. You both bring in the money, so why are you the only one sporting the maid's uniform? He is 50 % responsible for care of the house in which he lives and enjoys clean clothes and a good meal, and 50% responsible for the care of the children he helped to conceive. Period.

Write down a list of all the chores that have to be done on a daily basis, then all the ones that have to be done on a weekly basis, then all the ones that have to be done on a monthly basis. My husband tries to pull the wool over my eyes, he says "I do help out because I prepare the tax returns each year and I do the car insurabce forms." Hello? Those are once a year obligations. Bullshit. I get left with all the daily and weekly chores that grind me down to nothing and make me ill. Does that seem fair to you? But we are both making a big mistake here: we are both letting them get away with it and we are suffering the consequences.

When you have draawn up the lists, sit down with him and give him the pen: invite him to ssign his name next to the chores he agrees to assume responsibility for. Make sure it is even Stevens.. He must take 3 of the 6 weeklies, 4 of the 8 dailies, and 2 of the 4 yearlies. You must take the same amount and no more. I would always take laundry: I am good at it and there's no way I am entrsuting my delictaes to my husband's ignorance. he would take washing up: and it may take awhile before he does it to your satisfaction, but he has to be allowed to muddle through it in his own way otherwise you will be wearing the maid's uniform into your grave. Practice makes perfect. The more washing up he does, the better he will get at it. If you see plates with great gobs of food on them, simply take them out of the drying rack and put them back for re-washing. He'll get the message after a while. Simple.

Get him to agree to bath the children and get them in their jammies. Thisis the time you need to do your workout. bath time is fun: why wouldn't he ant to have fun with his kids? Kids have a right to some "just kids and Dad time". And you have a right to some "just for Mum time." If you can fit in 2 workouts during the week after work (one long cardio, one total body weights), while your husband deals with the kids, and then two longer workouts at the weekend (cardio and weights on each day, hitting different body parts), then you will be doing a great thing for yourself without adding too much extra to your routine. 4 days per week can do excellent things for you: you don't need to do more than that, but less than that can be frustrating and make you give up. I know, been there, done that. With 4 days, you could get in 3 cardios and wwork each body paart twwice wwith weights: a optimal program.

But it will never happen until you agree to release control, conceive of your husband as an equal partner in the relationship and as yourself as an equal partner and realize your right to time off to focus on yourself.

Good luck to us both. This gender battle just 'aint going away any time soon. I'm on your side.

wow Clare - What a great post! I was just thinking of that as I wrote my previous post. He does need to do more - and that bath thing - great idea. I could squeeze in a workout twice a week at that time - why not??? He always says "I'm not good at baths" - but why not? The two of them in there is funny and lots of fun! They'd love to have the change. I LOVE that idea.

As for the split chores - another good idea. As I was leaving home this morning, I looked around at the mess and thought, this is nuts. If something isn't done, I will explode. I'm always picking up shoes and putting them togehter properly in the front hall closet - can't count how many times a day I do that!!! I think the list idea is a good one - one that we can BOTH take responsiblity for! I admit - I'm guilty too sometimes and I can own up to my mistakes and messiness - but we both have to our share - especially since we both work.

You've given me some great advice and sound like a wonderful person - thanks for taking the time to listen and post!! Many, many thanks - if you give me your email - I'll keep you posted. I'm going to raise the "list" thing tonight! Wish me luck!

I'm truly glad I can help, you are most welcome. My email is [email protected].

Don't lose heart if he seems wary at the changes you want to introduce. Stand firm, remember that you are doing this for all theright reasons, not least of which is that this should improve your health, your marriage, through the healthier mutual respect each will grow, and your kids' relationship with both parents. Keep broaching the subject firmly and in a positive fashion until it meets your requirements and you can get those workouts in. Neither of us can manage 6 workouts per week, there just isn't the time and it wouldn't be realistic. But 4 is a great number to shoot for and the health and mood benefits will be enormous. You can tell your husband that you will love him more for doing this for you, that you will find him sexier and he will find you sexier too (exercise does wonderful things for a woman's libido, truly) and hey, this can only make both your lives sweeeter, rright?!?!?!?!?!

Don't explode or implode with the weight of it all. Managers delegate and I consider myself the manager of my household, so why shouldn't we?!!!

Thinking of you and sending you a whole pile of inner strength to help you broach this issue and come out the other sside smiling.

In sistahood,


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