Recovering after illness and discoraged



Hi you all,
I'm needing a bit of a pep talk or some sort of boost in motivation. About 4 or 5 weeks ago I came down with the flu and was sick and not exercising for about 3 weeks. It was a bad one with a temperature for about 6 days of over 100, and then congestion in my head and lungs for another 2 weeks. I've been trying for about 2 weeks to get back in the swing of things and it's going poorly. I try and do a cardio workout and weight every other day. Light weight using either a Firm tape or Karen Voight. My cardio is what seems to be the hardest for me. I can only make it for about 40 or 45 min. and then my energy and motivation just runs out. And I have to do it on a 4 inch step. I think it is more of a motivation thing then energy. I know I use to push myself allot more but I am having trouble doing it. Have any of you struggled with getting back after an illness and can give me a few words of encouragement? Thanks for your help. Lora
Hang in there, Lora!


Recovering after an illness is so hard. You're going along, doing those power scissors with ease, and then--bam!--you get hit with bad flu and you're flat on your back.

Hang in there, Lora. You will get your strength back, it's just going to take time. Your body is not only struggling to work out because of the symptoms and the time off, but also because it is still diverting energy to healing and restoring balance. Take it easy--decrease your exercise frequency and intensity and let your body heal. You'll move forward faster if you take it easy.

Think of your body as still be amazing, but that's it's doing amazingly powerful healing types of things. It may not carry you through Imax right now, because it is using all its strength to rebuild tissue. That's pretty amazing.

Hi Lora

Gretchen gave you excellent advice. I've also had to struggle with this. I would say cut your cardio down to 20 minutes and if after that you still feel up to some strength training, do 15-20 minutes of that. I've found that trying to do my usual 40-45 minutes of cardio, no matter how easy it seems, is just too long when you're recovering from illness. Remember when you first started out exercising? You usually start slow and then add duration and intensity to your workout as you get stronger. That's what you need to do now. Give yourself a break and start back slowly. I know it's hard to feel like you're exercising at all when you cut back, especially if you're used to doing advanced tapes, but your body is telling you something and you just need to listen to that. Don't let your thoughts about what you should be doing overcome what your body is telling you. The fact that you are doing 40-45 minutes of cardio after that long illness is amazing. I'm never at that level after being sick, so be proud of yourself. You are doing great. Gretchen is so right, if you're positive about your healing, things will go much quicker and in no time you'll be up to your usual fitness level. Good luck.
Take it a little easier

Hi Lora,

I hope you continue to feel better! Thought I'd add my 2¢ worth since it's taken me four weeks to get back to where I was before my bronchitis.

I know the feeling of wanting to get back to where you were prior to being ill, but take it slowly - your body will respond much better if you proceed at a slower pace than if you push yourself too hard. And when you see yourself progress - as in it becomes easier both physically and mentally - it really helps your motivation!

Any time I'm sick or I've been away from working out for awhile, hard as it is, I face up to the fact that I'm not going to be where I was when I left off. I don't like it, but that's the facts! The lesson I've learned is that when I ignore my body and proceed to where I was before I'm not doing my body or my mind any favors.

Take it a little easier on your cardio this week and see how you feel. Simply enjoying your workouts more will be motivating.
Thanks ladies!

I will copy all of your comments so I can read them every so often. It does help to have someone to share with and find out how they have delt with rebounding. I will heed your words to slow down and to just enjoy the workout. Thank you so much. Lora
understand how you feel .. read on

had an asthma attack the other day and wound up in ER.. NOT FUN. and then found out I had an upper respir. infection to boot. so that stopped the workouts while I get everything under control with inhalers and all that. But I am doing my ab work and some toning stuff on the swiss ball.
can't quit entirely now

so hang in there. it does get better
Boy Stevie I should count my blessings.

I hope you feel better soon. That must be awful. But I suppose you have had asthma for along time and are some what use to it. If that is possible. That's one thing I need to do more of, ab work. One can do that at least. Lora

Hi there
thanks for the comments. I haven't had asthma all my life, but it is a recent occurence due to stress and allergies.
so I live with it--no biggie as long as you manage your meds right. I have this great upper respiratory infection now and it is getting better. But I am on all kinds of meds and as they run out, I am able to increase the workouts.
today I did the swiss ball, abs and did about 20 mins of Christi Taylor floor aerobics.
so that is an improvement.
I just should realize that when I am tired from a workout.. it may NOT be just fatigue but a breathing problem
thanks for the kind words. hope EVERYONE stays well or gets well soon!
Here's a story...

I can really empathize with you. About six weeks before my wedding, I came down with a very nasty flu bug that went into my chest. For several weeks, just talking would throw me into a coughing fit. I was pretty disappointed that my workouts had to end before this day (how was I going to get into the dress???) Previously I could get through all of Cathe's tapes and was afraid I would gain massive amounts of weight, get flabby, have a massive coughing attack during the vows, and just fall apart!

But, God is good, and I agree with everything the other ladies have said. If you maintain a certain degree of fitness, it will maintain you during the down times. Ironically, I had to start back with "how to get in shape for your wedding" after the wedding, since that was about all I could do, with difficulty. But it comes back pretty quickly, so hang in there. BTW, I didn't gain massive amounts of weight, and even though the whole wedding was changed because of a freak snowstorm - we got married, had a wonderful honeymoon, and I'm working my way back to IMax and Bodymax. You'll get there too, just go slow and stop when your body tells you -each time you'll get a little farther. I am so grateful that these tapes gave me the fitness level I had prior to this illness - it really carried me a long way. I'm sure they will have done the same for you - best wishes as you recover....

Thanks for your uplifting words!

Hi Colia,
So when did you get married? This winter. I can imagine how you would worry. Isn't it neat how God seems to make everything work out, when we see no way. Congratulations on your marriage and getting back in shape.
I'm trying to take it easy by doing Step Heat. I only do 30 minutes so I thought I'd raise the step as high as it goes. But my knee has been hurting me so down it will come. I'm sure I can work out longer that way. Oh well. Like they say listen to your body. And this old 47 year old knee says, "Not so high." Thanks again for your story, it is muchly appreciated. Lora

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