Ready to Get Pregnant


My husband and I have been married 5 years and have decided to start a family. I currently workout approximately 3-5x a week using Cathe, the Firm and the gym (although I have missed 3 weeks due to vacation and having a hard time getting back in to exercising). I was hoping to get some advice or ideas of some workout schedules for before getting pregnant, during (first, second, and third trimester) and after giving birth. Thank you in advance for all your helpful tips and wonderful advice. I love these forums!!


Hi Maria! There is a book called "Fit to Deliver" -- An exercise program for you and your baby by Karen Nordahl, M.D., Susie Kerr and Carl Petersen. This book provides a workout program for each trimester of your pregnancy for either the beginner, intermediate, or advanced exerciser. Good Luck!
My husband and I are ready to have a baby as well. I just finished my last pack of birth control, and the begining of my cycle will start again after this Sunday. I'm planning around Oct/Nov for conception or when God allows. I'm a bit anxious and excited, but I'm 38 years old and my husband has two older sons and he's excited about starting a family with me, (hoping for a little girl). So am I. We'll have to keep each other posted on what is going on. I work out with Cathe's pure strength and slow and heavy 3xweek. I run 5-6 days a week. I also kick box and plan on doing a little ballet for the fall. I think my biggest concern is gaining alot of weight while I'm pregnant, but I've decided to really commit to eating healthy, and exercising throughout my pregancy. I think I'm at a good point in my life to have a child. I have a very supportive husband who has experience in raising a child. So I'm getting myself ready. I made an appointment with my MD for September 4th. Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you and myself. Good luck , and let's keep in touch. Martha

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