Re-releasing older workouts on DVD with NEW premixes


Although now I buy only DVDs, I have yet to replace my older tapes with DVDs. As much as I love DVDs, it seems silly to buy a workout I already own. But if the older workouts were re-released with all the fancy premixes and combos, well that would be impossible to resist. I don't know if it's possible to do that with the older workouts, but if you could use the new technology to make Body Blast style DVDs with the older workouts (like PS or Body Max) I would be the first to order!

RE: Re-releasing older workouts on DVD with NEW premixe...

Frances, this is an awesome idea! I'm in the same boat with some older workouts on video, but if the DVDs had premixes...:7
RE: Re-releasing older workouts on DVD with NEW premixe...

You've hit the nail on the head!

I would definately like some of the older ones like BodyMax and Imax1 but am looking for that extra reason to buy and this is it.

What a brilliant idea! I'm with you!

RE: Re-releasing older workouts on DVD with NEW premixe...

I would definitely be interested. For example, imagine what you could do with MIS!
I would love a premix with Body Max, Power Hour and MIS! That's an awesome idea putting premixes on the older DVDs - but then I'd have to buy them AGAIN!!!
This is a great idea! I too would like to replace my old videos. I would love to be able to mix up the workouts! I can't imagine that it would be hard for them to remix these workouts - the difficulty would lie in deciding which workouts to put together on the same DVD.
Can you imagine the Lower Body Premix you could get from the BodyMax, Power Hour, and MIS DVD??? Forget Meaner Legs, this would cripple us for weeks at a time!! I would love it :D I think the IMAX DVD could offer some killer Cardio, too. I'm not sure if Cathe will even consider it, but just to let her know anyway, it would be so FUN!!!

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