Raise your hand if...


your SO/DH is addicted to video games/computer games!!!

Just curious and wanted to make sure i am NOT alone!!

My SO plays an online RPG called Everquest. At one point, it came close to destroying our relationship. And right now it's not making me very happy.

You are NOT alone. Does it bother you?
Jes..mine is so not addicted!!! My favorite way to torture him is getting a new remote control...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/wink.gif[/img]...Carole

My husband is 34 years old and HAS to play his Playstation 2 every single night. Whatever sports season it is here in the real world, that's the sport he's playing on PS2. I have learned to adapt over the past 15 years, though, through our engagement years and all the game systems he's gone through. I have rationalized by saying that it's HIS way of unwinding after a hard day's work. (He's in construction ~ owns his own business, so he has a very demanding, stressful, and flat out physically tough job). Bless his heart, he doesn't drink a drop of alcohol, he doesn't smoke, he's a good dad and husband (after some mistakes on BOTH our parts), so daggone it (I've told myself over the years), he can HAVE his 45 min per evening of PS2! Plus, it gives me 45 min of weightlifting in the evening (I do cardio in the am) while the kids are doing homework and he's playing.

OMG!!!! YES...YES...YES!!!!!!!!}( }( }( }( }(

My DH just loves "conquering" the world. He LOVES Civilization and plays it on the computer and I can hardly get him off the computer. He says, "10 mins and I will be done"...while hours pass away. x( x( x( I wish he would just spend more time with me instead of being on the computer. I am only on the computer when he is not around or when he is watching sports of some kind.

I wouldn't say my DH is addicted, but he will get into these video game kicks where he has to play for a couple hours every night, and that drives me crazy because it means he isn't doing anything useful around the house. But his video game kicks only last a couple of weeks at the most, then he gets bored and take a break. However, you are certainly not alone. Lots of video game addicts out there...
Good to know!

Shelley: it only bothers me when i want him to do something else. If i'm online, what can i say??:p

yup my bf is TOTALLY addicted to playing nascar playstation 2 online with everybody around the world. One nite I fell asleep on the couch at like 9pm and i awoke at 3am and he was STILL playing and I was like why didnt you wake me up?????????????????? and he was like I didnt even know what time it was....ugh sometimes it really annoys the heck out of me.
BF sort of goes "in shifts" and ltely he's been working such crazy hours, that he hasn't been playing. But when he does play...oh boy, it is way too much and way too often. :)
Maximus - LMAO!! My BF can barely open email, either, and hates the internet! But how funny is it that we met ON-LINE?!?!?

My husband can't even spell 'PC', let alone using one to play a game. His addiction is watching TV. My man is just an old school couch potato!
*hand raised high the air fingers wiggling butt hanging off the edge of the chair* OH OH OH, MEMEMEMEMEMEEEEE!!!!

my hubby works in the computer field, so i would hope he would want a break when he gets home, right? WRONG! he's on his computer playing final fantasy XI online. Ok, so i must confess i'm a little addicted to this game too...but i haven't played in two months cause it's been a busy quarter at school and i've since lost a bit of interest. i just let him know that every once in a while he has to give ME some time. as long as i promise him a day of being able to play all day without me harping at him, he's fine. but i also have to insist that he not play the game on his laptop while we're trying to watch a movie! THAT drives me nuts. but it's been five years and i think i've come to terms that there is no way to even beat the geek out of him (not that i've beaten him of course:) ). he's just a geek at heart and that's how it is.
Oh Jes! If only I were this lucky. Computer games, girlfriend are a built in babysitter. Trust me, I have tons of stuff to do without having to be there, catering to his butt. You don't know how lucky you have it. And this, coming from a girl, that loves her DH. I just have my own needs & interests too.


P.S. I'm also the one that posted how ignorant & illiterate he was with computers, but when we both went shopping for another PC, all the clerks kept directing their answers or sales pitch to him. He was the one with no clue. LOL! Idiots!
yes girl! i remember that! LOL! like i said, i'm on this forum so much that it doesnt' matter to me if he's playing unless i want him to take out the garbage or something!}( i was just curious how typical it was of adults to play video games.......but obviously, it's pretty normal!

<my hubby works in the computer field, so i would hope he would want a break when he gets home, right? WRONG!>

YEP!!!! My DH can play Worlds of Warcraft for HOURS after being on the computer most of the day for work. I just can't imagine pap smearing to unwind! :)

A couple we know, he is a gaming addict. Well, somehow the DW became addicted to the Sims along with the DH... she located her DH character... seduced him and took everything he owned... the next time DH got in the game his poor character was broke and homeless. :)


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