Question on lower body toning ..


Active Member
I have an hourglass shape (healthy legs and smallish waist.) When I do the Firm, I use heavy weights on floor exercises and squats. I have stayed away from the heavier weights otherwise because of loss of form and muscle "gains" in my thighs. (I muscle easily) I want to burn maybe an inch off my thighs and get the definition.

While I am waiting on my newer tapes to come in (Leaner Legs, Power Hour), how should I proceed in this area? I do cardio (Walk, Kickboxing, TaeKwonDo) and have some of Cathe's step and/or cardio tapes). Should I go up and take a chance? Once I did that with my upper body, not only did I see the tricep/bicep definition I've been longing for, I lost some of the bosoms! Yippee!!

Shoot me all the advice you want!


"If I don't stop, I have not failed."
I would say to got for it! You will get results with Cathe's Leaner Legs. Her Pyramid Lower Body is great too! The ball work - oh my- it works!:eek: I don't know if you have her Cardio Kicks video? It's great for both upper and lower body toning. Take care-Susan
Do you ladies think kickboxing can be counted as toning? As sore as my arms are after a kickboxing workout, it sure seems that I should count it as a strength/conditioning workout. But then I think I read otherwise which was discouraging. Do you guys count it toward a toning workout? Thanks, Lisa
I think CK is mostly a cardio workout. Cathe has written an article on cardio versus weight training that is very pertinent. It's accessible from the home page.

She has 3 articles there. One starts on the home page and you can click to read more.
I have had the same concerns about heavy weights with lower body. I think (given the fantastic pages by Connie and Donna among others) that I will just take the plunge and go for it. Thanks for posting your photos. It really helps to see the results. My body is alot more toned and proportioned since I added weights back in November, though my appetite has increased so I am fighting those same 8 pounds!!! I am determined to follow your lead!!!
Thanks Ladies,
I think Cardio Kicks is "toning". I use 1lb hand weights I got at Walmart and that for sure puts it in that category! I find it funny though...while I always get pretty sore from CK, I have friends who never seem to be too sore. I think from day one with that tape I knew how to "kick butt", cuz I could barely move the next day!! You must really give it your all as well!
Cee..WELCOME to the forum!! I love this place and get lots of good advice here. I live by one motto though: "Go heavy or GO HOME!". And I truly believe in it. The only time I go lower is if I am sore or sick. Or, of course, with Leaner Legs on account of being so humbled by sadistic Cathe. But I do prefer heavy leg work and I think I have seen great results from it. Kickboxing is great too for leaning out the legs. Powerstrike here I come!!:)


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