question for Yen


Hi Yen,

I hope you don't mind my asking this but I'm curious about how you made the transition from doing Cathe for cardio to running. Were you a runner as an adolescent? Did you start with, say, one run a week and then gradually increase it? How much do you run in a week? Was it painful when you started? Also, if this isn't too personal, how old are you? I'm almost 36 and I really want to start running - I have off and on in the past - but sometimes I find it so painful in my shins and just plain painful endurance-wise. I can do any Cathe cardio that you throw at me, but running just zaps me. I wanted to ask you since it seems that you're making such nice progress with your running group, etc.

Thanks in advance,
Hey Yen!! Do you see this post?? Bumping it for you...

OOOHHH...I just have to say that I got trail runners today...Adidas Supernova? They are the new version of my old shoes..Adidas Beltline. Running store people said I have a very neutral foot and I had no pronation problems that could be causing shin splints but that my shoes did appear to be just about worn out. So, I am ready to rock again!!!YEAH!! I am going to do a 5K/Inline Skate here in Arizona next Sunday. Should be fun!! Looking forward to hearing your answers to this post...


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