Question for the Educated Crowd



I am going to start hormone replacements (the visit to the doc indicated that I am just gettin' old) and wonder if any of you know of the side effects of taking Prempro? I figure someone out there should know either by personal experience or by virtue of your professions.

Thanks in advance!!! :-hmmm :-hmmm:-hmmm
Hi HB!! Now, first off, I am going to assume that you have NOT had a hysterectomy. The reason being that anybody who has had one should not take Prempro. Otherwise, I've heard nothing but good things about it. My grandmothers are on it. My mom was until she found out that she shouldn't be due to the hysterectomy that she had 15 years before. Her's was a total one so I'm not sure a partial. None of them has complained about adverse side effects. We're a pretty close family, we all live in the same town either right down the street or around the corner from each other, I'm sure they would've told me due to the fact that all women on both sides(including myself) have female problems. Again though, I'm only going by their experience, but I hope this helps you out in some way. Have a good one!!

Thanks for the info! I have not had a hysterectomy, just a tubal back in 1975. I was hoping not to have a horrible side effect like WEIGHT GAIN!!!! Glad to hear that your family has done well on it.:7
I started taking it a month ago and even though that isn't very long I haven't had any side affects. I started to read the pamphlet that came with them and when I started seeing all of the possible side effects I freaked out and just threw it away. So I don't know any of the side effects and I don't want to know becuase then I will probably make myself have them. I do know one thing Iam liking not have night sweats. They are miserable.

Good Luck
So, Honeybunch, exactly what is Prempro? Is it estrogen or a synthetic? I think that I need to start thinking about these things. TIA

[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
Hi Honeybunch,

Glad to hear that it’s not anything serious!!! Hormone replacement is a good thing and will help you with a lot of the otherwise unpleasant side effects of menopause. I had a total hysterectomy a long time ago (1975) and have been using different kind of hormone replacements ever since; none of which ever made me gain weight. All the women I know that take different hormone products on the market tell me the same. I asked my doctor once about the general weight gain concerns with hormone replacements and he told me that most cases are due to simply becoming more sedentary and eating more (which many women our age are doing). So, don’t worry, someone like you can only benefit!

Much Love, Mamabear
Hi HB! I can't speak specifically for Prempro, but I've been on HRT for about a year and a half now after a total hysterectomy. I was concerned about the weight gain thing too, but have found that I don't have any problems with that. In fact, I think my weight has become a little easier to manage because I feel so good all the time now and am not subject to the hormonal/emotional changes that are common during the monthly cycle, and for me, often triggered cravings for things like chocolate. The only thing I had a little problem with in the beginning was some changes in my skin (slight acne) but after a few months it seemed to work itself out. Good luck!
Glad you started this thread. I haven't hit menopause yet (kinda late eh!) but it is going to hit soon I'm sure. It is interesting to hear others ideas on this, especially the stuff about the food cravings. I think it's time to go to the doctor and get some information so I'll be better body is easing into menopause even as we speak. I'm glad you started me thinking about this.
I have been taking 50 mg minimum of soy isoflavones a day and this has stopped hot flashes and mood swings. I am open to HRT as i go forward, though--will be interested in your reactions.
No bad side effects so far. I am VERY sensitive to any kind of medication, too. I can't even take vitamins on an empty stomach.
AH, peri-menopause--that hot-flashing, night-sweating, oh-so-special time of life...

I've been on HRT for...(hmmmm, let's see...apparently memory enhancement is not one of the beneficial side effects...) 5 years. I started out with Prempro, which took care of those cursed symptoms almost immediately, like...magic! It was a double-edged sword, however...I was having a period only about every three or four months before I started taking it and they quickly became a regular monthly thing again.

The downside to taking Prempro (at that time; this may have changed by now) was the medication schedule...I took a pill for 20 days and then nothing for 10 days. I've always had an serious aversion to counting things properly, so this tended to be a slight management problem for me. :)

SO, my doc switched me to Premphase, which is a take-a-pill-every-day option, and it works beautifully.

An interesting aside: my peri-menopausal symptoms disappeared so completely during the time I've been on HRT that a couple of years ago, I figured I didn't need it anymore and stopped taking it--but only for about 6 weeks. The symptoms returned with a vengeance, so back to the doc I went. HOT FLASHES ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST!!!

I'm probably not well enough informed about the potential health risks of HRT, but I do know how it has helped me--IMMENSELY!! I notice no negative side effects from taking the medication and appreciate the many, many benefits. I figure the comfort and predictability in the short term balances what might possibly happen in the long term...So good luck! I hope your experience with HRT is as positive as mine has been.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-01 AT 04:19AM (Est)[/font][p]Prempro is taken every now, at least my prescription. It comes in a little compact thingy like birth control pills. I just take it every day along with my vitamins. I'm happy to report that I'm sleeping better now, which is very exciting. I was up every two hours, and sometimes on the hour. Last night I woke up only once.:7

I appreciate the's kind of scary to be doing this.
Don't be scared. Remember, esentially all you are doing is replacing something that your body has been producing since you hit puberty. It's essential for strong bones, (in addition to all the weight-bearing exercise that we Cathe fans do)! Additionally, it's great for the heart. Women rapidly approach men in terms of cardiovascular risk after menopause for just that reason...estrogen deficiency. Up until recently, estrogen was the recommended intital therapy for postmenopausal women with high cholesterol too. (It's not number one any more, but still has good benefit). Just so you know, it's essential that you get adequate calcium and vitamin D so the hormone replacement can do it's job for your bones. If you like dairy products, so much the better. You should get 1000-1500mg of elemental calcium a day, and 400-800 IU of vitamin D. Most post-menopausal women need a supplement regardless of dietary intake. (A good store-brand is fine).

Hope this helps ease your mind a bit. You're doing a good thing for your body!


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