Question for Sheila regarding varicose veins.


I'm not sure........ but I think I have varicose veins on my lower right hamstring. I am hoping that it is a bruise from crossing my right leg over my left leg during a four hour layover at the airport. Unfortunately, I think that this is wishful thinking. Since I did not get this from my previous 2 pregnancies, this condition is new to me. Is there anything that will exacerabate this situation? Will 40lb squats cause more harm than good? I do not want anymore veins to pop out, please let me know what is best! Also, I am 25 weeks pg and just noticed them a few days ago.
not Shelia, but it's very common to get varicose veins when pg. I did w/#1 and the intensity of the blue went way down after my pregnancy was over. For even luckier gals they go completely away. If your truely worried you can as your doctor - yes doctor - for compression hose to wear. I have friends who said they are very effective, especially if your veins start to hurt. They are ugly, hot, tight, but work. Oh and expensive like $70. They are no joke gotten I believe at the pharmacy w/a prescription. There are some knock offs at maternity stores but aren't the real deal. So there is some opptions / hope for you! Good luck!!!:)

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