Question for all the runners out there


I don't do running at all, but I tried to do something called HIIT last night. Don't know if I did it right. The idea is - I think - that you're supposed to walk briskly for 60 seconds, then run for 20 seconds & alternate that way. I only did it for 20 mins. My thighs feel sore today - not in a bad way. I did LL the previous night, but kept it light & didn't feel anything in my legs the next day. Last night I did PUB & tried the running thing.

I'm not a runner at all. I really didn't even like to move fast before I found Cathe's tapes & I'm amazed how fast Cathe gets me to move!

I just would like to know if it's normal to feel sore after running (on treadmill). I'm trying to mix up my routines so I don't get bored.

Thanks !
Sorness is definitely normal, any new form of exercise will usually cause DOMS. My hipflexors are usually sore the day after a run and my calves too if I ran on an incline. Interval training is a great way to ease into running and it burns lots of calories and keeps your muscles guessing :)
Thanks. That's a relief. I'm really trying to get into running. I just thought it was weird that though I exercise w/cardio/weights/core etc regularly, I don't usually feel sore.

I guess running uses some different/or extra parts of the legs that had no reason to be sore before, so to me, that's a good thing.
I always get sore after my first run of the season, too! Totally normal!

I just wanted to add that since you are running now, stretch an extra long time! (you may have already known this, though, sorry if you do!) For some reason, your body gets tighter when you run so you want to be sure to stretch it out really good! Stretching is my second favorite part of running (it feels SO good!), closely following that running high.:7

Stretch before & after? The kind of stretching that Cathe does during the warm up to a leg or cardio tape? I used to think running was boring, but after last night, I can't wait to do it again !

Is it ok to run consecutive days.
Is it okay to run on days when I have done cardio?

I was thinking I would only run on days where I did abs or core and weights - only upper, but if I can add it other days I will.

Thanks !
Hi Jude,

It's definitely normal to feel sore. Running uses muscles that you might not be using for your Cathe cardio or for LB weight workouts. Doing the HIIT is a great way to run. A lot of experts recommend people alternate running with walking when starting out on a running program.

I wouldn't suggest doing cardio and running in the same day...running is cardio! You don't want to overdo it. I will do UB weights and run in the same day, since I'm not working the same muscles for either activity. And yes, you should do the same types of stretching that Cathe does in her workouts. Especially the hip flexor, hamstring and calf streches, since those are some of the primary muscle groups you are working while running. I run consecutive days occasionally, but I've been running for several years. Again, you should listen to your body to see how you feel.

Sherry :)
Good advice given!! I agree with Sherry too...DON'T run and do another cardio on the same day!! And actually HIIT workouts you shouldn't really do more than twice a week when starting. So maybe walking alternating with light jogging some days instead of walking and running everyday. But then again I don't know how fast you are running when you do HIIT. And yes you should be sore. Running is very high impact and usually done on a hard surface. I have run for may years but when I have been injured and had to stop running for a short time. When I do start running again I am sore for a few days...:)...Carole
Thanks for all the great advice!

I'm flattered and embarrassed to say that my run would probably register a fast crawl up against anything you gals on this board can do. My brisk walk pace is only about 4mph (at least that's what the readout on the treadmill clocks it at) and the 'run' part is about 6mpr - I think. My legs are short so these speeds are plenty of exercise for me. I think 20mins at these speeds is about as 'athletic' as I'm going to get for quite a while. And all my Cathe dvd's keep me pretty busy.

I'll try hiit (or my version of hiit) twice a week & see how it works out.
Trust me....I've done some crawls in my running...:)...never be embarrassed because you think you might be slow. You are actually doing it....working out with Cathe and running!! That is something to be very proud about...:D ...Carole
Carole, I can't tell you how inspiring you response to me was. When I look at the one little sentence you wrote where you say 'you're actually doing it'... I feel so motivated. This week I had to skip a workout because I had a dentist appt & got back too late (& too beat up) to do anything. Every time I skip a day that I hadn't planned off (I took my off day just two days prior to the appt), it's soooooo hard to get back on track.

I did very little workout yesterday & didn't eat right for the last two days so I feel bad.

Even so, when I look at that sentence, it makes it easier to make my way back to my rotation or whatever I'm doing that week.

You look so fantastic and I really want to thank you for what you wrote.
>Carole, I can't tell you how inspiring you response to me
>was. When I look at the one little sentence you wrote where
>you say 'you're actually doing it'... I feel so motivated.
>This week I had to skip a workout because I had a dentist appt
>& got back too late (& too beat up) to do anything. Every
>time I skip a day that I hadn't planned off (I took my off day
>just two days prior to the appt), it's soooooo hard to get
>back on track.
>I did very little workout yesterday & didn't eat right for the
>last two days so I feel bad.
>Even so, when I look at that sentence, it makes it easier to
>make my way back to my rotation or whatever I'm doing that
>You look so fantastic and I really want to thank you for what
>you wrote.

Thank you so much judejude....:+ You have really made my day....:)...Carole
Hi Judejude, I just wanted to add my two cents! I have never been someone who jogs/runs, either. But I got motivated to try it from all the inspiring people on these boards. I started just like you did, with walk/jog intervals. I didn't follow any specific plan, but did three minutes walking and three minutes jogging for the first three weeks. And I found it very very tough! The first session I wanted to see what I could do nonstop... I didn't make it very long, 7 minutes (I'm kinda embarrassed to admit). Last week I tried to up my jogging time intervals to 3 1/2 min. jogging to 2 1/2 min. walking, well needless to say it was a huge struggle, almost made me give up. I was thinking, maybe this running thing isn't for me, I can't do it etc. Just for the heck of it I tried going nonstop again this week,to see if I had improved any, and guess what, on tuesday I did a mile and a half, and today I did two miles, without stopping! I'm writing this just because it goes to show you it can be done, because if I can do this, ANYONE can, ha ha. But also wanted to tell you that I was really sore the day after my first jog and found that when I adjusted the softness of the treadmill belt, it made a huge difference. And the highest speed I can maintain is 5.5 (a crawl,for sure), so you rock at 6.0!! Sorry this is so long, but your post just reminded me of myself! Good luck and keep at it! ~Carolyn~
Wow ! Everyone here is so awesome! That's so great. I don't think I can do any miles, but I'm coming along w/the hiit stuff - more like a 'tap' at the rate I go.

I'm happy to report that I don't feel as sore now when I've been doing the running (just two times a week). I changed the way I'm running, but I don't know if I changed it correctly.

I have a tendancy to kind of 'run like a girl' :) kind of on my toes or just the front half of my foot. I read somewhere that your heel should hit the ground first. It feels ridiculous to say that I actually have to concentrate to run that way. I don't think I'm lifting my foot up behind me enough, but I don't even know if my heel should spring back to my but.

I don't get sore when doing it this way, so maybe I'm running wrong. I kind of think my hips have slimmed down just the slightest bit, but maybe it's just wishful thinking.

Any advice on form is appreciated !


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