Question for AFAA aerobics instructors


Hello Instructors! :D

I am considering taking the AFAA primary group exercise exam this fall and still have my old Fitness Theory & Practice manual. For those who have recently taken the exam in the past but let their certification lapse but has retaken the test since the 3rd edition has come out, did you find that there was more information in the newest manual or did you use your older book without problems? I appreciate your responses!

Thanks for your help!
Hi Angie,

I had to re-certify in 2003. I think it that it's probably a good idea to get the most current study guide. I know when I took the test in 2003, things had changed a little bit. But, as you know you spend the entire day before the practical exam going over the study guide answers, so if you any discrepencies about information you can always find out at that time. I'd use the old book, but order a new study guide. Good luck!!!!!! You'll do great!!!!:)

Thanks for the advice! I'll order the new study guide this week! Thanks for encouragement too!

You are so welcome!!! Don't be nervous!! Just pretend you are teaching to us when you take the practical. You'll do fine. Study hard.:) And let us know how you make out.

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