question about working abs


Active Member
Can you work your abs everyday, kind of like the way some work their legs in freestyle? I was thinking of 3 to 5 minutes a day. I have been searching the forums, and will continue to look for more information.

Thanks in advance,

I treat them like the other muscles and work them two to three times a week. I'd get bored if I did it more often.
Way back in the day, all the weight training books said abs should be worked daily because the muscles are tougher to respond but not anymore. Now all the literature says that was bull and that you shouldn't work abs on consecutive days because muscle is muscle and it still needs 24 hours to repair itself. Makes sense to me so I hit mine about three times per week.
you know when I first started exercising all I really did was cardio and abs and I developed a six-pack like you wouldn't believe. But based on all the talk about letting you muscles recoupe I stopped working them everyday and they aren't as ripped as they use to be.

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