question about strong heart beats


hi momys 2 b

im in my 14th week with my 6th baby and although i feel o.k. when i have to climb stairs i have strong heart beats like i was ranning. it disaperes very quickly but because of that i dont exe.
i was in a good shape before the pregnant. my doctore told me that it all because of the pregnancy and when i'll give birth it will be o.k, i dont want to wait and not do anything untill then (it's 24 weeks a looong time)
my question is what can i do at the meantime? walking? kickboxing(i love it)
am i to ignore those heart bits? i have the polar watch and i can monitor my heart rate, how high can it go ( my highest heart rate when im running and still feel good is 170 bpm)?

thank u
Not entirely sure, Sharona, but if it's that sever I'd just stick to walking. Maybe take your cell phone with you, if you have one, when you're out too so that if you get too winded when you're out your hubby can come to your rescue! DH makes me take mine tho I've never needed to call him. Makes him feel safer.:) I don't know how high your hr can get, but percieved exertion is a better measure anyway as your HR is already eleveated.

I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and baby!

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