Quesion for someone from San Antonio???


I need a contact in San Antonio, if you would be willing to email me I would appreciate it. Write back and i'll send my address, I am a dental hygienist and may be moving from Canada and have questions about your city, cost of living etc?? thanks
Hi, I'm not from San Antonio but have been there and I loved it. This is coming from someone who really doesn't like many places besides home. The city is beautiful and the riverwalk really gives the city a unique feel, kind of like you're not in the U.S. but in some place that's a combination of Europe and Mexico - hard to explain, I guess. Oh, and the people are ridiculously friendly (again, coming from someone from the northeast so take that for what it's worth :)).

Anyway, good luck w/ your move - Canada to Texas. Wow.

You've probably found this site on your own but I figured I'd try to help if I could.


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