quads and glutes with tubes?


Anyone out there (HB) know any good moves to do with tubing to really target the quads and glutes? They need to be non squat or lunge moves, as my knees are falling apart at the seems...
I have been trying to do the one for my quads where you sit on the floor with knees bent, tube around ankles, raise one leg up to knee height--but it doesn't feel right...
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-01 AT 04:22PM (Est)[/font][p]I'll scan some pictures from my Spri tubing book and e-mail them to you later. That's easier than trying to type instructions...a pic is worth a thousand words, you know.

The files are too big to attach...so I'll go with written descriptions.

Seated leg extension w/ Ultratoner.
1.Place mid-point pad under arch of non-exercising foot and position open loop just above exercising ankle.

2. Sit upright on front edge of chair or bench and hold onto armests or underside. Place a pad or rolled up towel under knees for extra comfort if desired.

3. Place both foot on floor directly under knees.
a. Full knee extension - Extend knee of exercising leg. Lift up to height of knee until the quadricep is fully contracted.

b. Terminal Knee extension - Move leg forwrd, placing heel on floor, to a 1/3 flexed knee position. Extend knee of exercising leg. Lift up to height of knee until the quadricep is fully contracted.

Ultra Toner Standing Straight Leg Hip-Hyperextension (Hamstrings/glutes)
1. Place mid-point pad under arch of non-exercising foot and position open loop just above exercising ankle.

2. Stagger feet so foot of exercising leg is slightly behind foot of non-exercising leg. Pull toes of exercising foot toward shin to a neutral ankle position.

3. Place hands on hips or hold onto an object out in front of body at waist height or above.

4. Keep foot of non-exercising leg on floor, knee slightly bent, and non-exercising hip stationary. Hips and shoulders must remain square throughtout exercise.

5. Push exercising leg back and progressively toe out slightly until gluteal is fully contracted. The exercise leg should end out away from midline of body.

The quad one is exspecially good because it mimics the leg extension machines in the gyms like no other exercise I know of

Good luck!
Quads are more difficult to work with tubing. I would recommend one legged balances to help your knee stabilization. Stand with your weight in one leg. Other leg can be lifted off the floor a couple of inches. If your balance is weak, try resting the toes very lightly on the floor, still keeping all of the weight in your one leg. Bend the knee slightly without the knee extending past the toes. Flex your torso forward and point your tailbone/butt backwards until you feel your weight distributed into the thigh and hip. There should be NO PRESSURE in the kneecap. If you feel that, you are not sitting your hips back enough and you are probably pushing the knee out over the toes. This is not a very exciting exercise but it is fantastic to help the knees. Hold on each leg for approximately 60 seconds. Alternate back and forth 5 rounds.

As for the butt, I LOVE this exercise and do it all the time for my clients or in cardio classes. Secure the handle of the tubing around your foot. I push it up around the arch of my shoe so that it's pretty snug and isn't going to slide off. Position yourself in a table position, back flat and supported with firm abs. Hold the other end of the tubing with the same side hand--if tubing is secured on right foot, hold in right hand. You want to hold the tubing somewhere in the middle so there is already tension before you start. Kick your leg straight back no higher than hip level. You can also extend the leg, tap the toe to the floor, lift up again to hip level and then bring the knee back beside support knee. Also try little pulses in kicking the leg out--faster tempo but shorter range. This is an excellent butt lifter. Just make sure the tubing has sufficient tension or it will be too easy. Obviously pad your knees well to avoid strain. Tell me what you think and good luck! Cyndie
I just discovered something you might like at my gym.

they have these green tubes that are attatched at the ends so its a closed circle of tube..(i will guess that the tube was 2-3 feet long before the ends were put together)

On this circle of tubing they have two padded ankle wraps .. these padded things that wrap around your ankle and secure with velcro...

when you attach the tubing to your ankles like this you can do so many things without the tubing slipping around or off!
Very fun.
I fell in love with these. I love tubes and use them for glute work too.
these ankle attachements would be easy to make if you cant find any.....

have you ever done any Ballet?
they do alot of extensions to the back, sides and front that are great to do with tubing ..

sqats with tubing is good for the backside. run the tube under the feet and hold near the shoulders.. take both directions slow.
The thing she is referring to is called the Xercuff and it is available from SPRI. They are terrific. You can find them at www.spriproducts.com. also you can find vieos by Keli Roberts who is sensational at showing tubing exercises including the Xercuff.

Good to know what they are called and where to find them.. I get pretty excited over simple things like that that work so well!!

and its good to get a video suggestion. I will go to collagevideo and look at a sample of Keli Roberts.

Thank you so much! I know what a pain that must have been to type our, Honeybunch, and I really appreciate it.
Those all look great--hopefully my quads and glutes will, too!
Kickbutt Combat is the Kelli Roberts video that features the Xercuff.

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