pulled out KPC after a long hiatus....


I forgot how much I enjoyed this workout. I haven't pulled it out in many, many months. I have been trying to mix things up a bit and work my way through the DVD library. Two days later I am still sore! It goes to show you how important it is to rotate through the library. Cathe', my shoulders and outer thighs say thank you :)
I haven't did KPC in months,but its on the my new rotation tommrrow! I remember it being a sweatfest! And the music Rocks!
I always do this, I pull a Cathe out after not doing it for awhile and its such a great surprise when you are reminded of how really awesome all of her workouts are!:7

I personally did Legs and Glutes the other day and forgot how much I love it!
i haven't done it in so long. after i get through with all my free CIAs i am going to start bringing it back in rotation.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

I will likely take KPC and Kick Max with me on vacation since I don't need any equipment and these are such great cardio workouts. I have to say that I prefer KPC to KickMax
Has anyone ever replaced the KPC warm-up w/ the one from kickmax? I did that last week and loved the workout on a whole new level! Starting KPC at the intermediate drills means you get to double up the side to side lunges and add lots of the low impact but more intense moves that Cathe has in the kickmax warm up. Couldn't believe how sore my butt was for 3 days!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.:) :p
Everytime I pull out KPC I'm sore for AT LEAST three days. I won't even get into how sore I get when I bust out the 82 minute KPC/L&G premix.....

Last week I caught KPC on Fit Tv and thought this looks so fun...needless to say I just "had to "order it. It was fun and a great workout. We are going on vacation in 2 weeks and I will definately be taking this and KM (I love the KM blasts..but overall I enjoy KPC more). Heaven help those poor saps on the floors beneath us in the beach house as I'm 'Blasting' away LOL!!!
Funny you should mention this w/o....The other day I was watching it on my computer (yes, I am weird , I know - I sometimes watch a little bit of several w.o to decide/motivate me to do them). Anyhow, I have a nice flat wide computer screen that is much nicer than my TV screen. I was watching that intro part where Cathe is explaining the kicks and couldn't believe how great her butt looked! WOW! I am putting this in once a week now - here's hoping! Marnie:)
>Has anyone ever replaced the KPC warm-up w/ the one from

I haven't tried it, but I LOVE the idea! I really like KM's long, thorough warm-up. Heck, as long as we're at it, do KM warm-up and combos section, followed by KPC from after the warm-up to the end. Hmm...sounds like that's what I'll try next time a KB day comes around!
I know what you mean! I pulled out slow/heavy this month and my, oh my, what a difference I feel this time around! I then decided to make a basic plan of all the workotus to make sure I cycle through all the series in the next four months!
Oooooh, that's a great idea Kathryn! I'm going to try that next week on my Cathe kickboxing workout day. Glad you like the KM warm up too.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.:)

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