Problems after stopping the Pill


I quit using the Pill the end of December in order to hopefully start a family soon. My problem is, since I've stopped using it, I haven't had a period. I have been to the doctor, and she did give me a pregnancy test (negative), and said it was often normal to not get a period for several months after being on the Pill for ten years. I was just wondering if anyone else had a similary experience. It feels like I'm in limbo, because I have no idea when/if I'm going to get my period. Anyone else's experiences would be appreciated. Thanks!

I didn't have a period on my own for over a year and 1/2 after I went off the pill. Every couple of months, my dr would have me take a course of Provera, which starts a period. She felt that this would help my body to jump start itself. Now I have one sporadically. Difficult to get pregnant to say the least! I'll be taking Clomid to help me.

Oh, my dr did say it can take up to 6 months for the body to regulate itself after going off the pill, so don't give up hope. But I'd continue to talk with your dr to see what your options are.

Good luck!
Wow--a year and a half!! My doctor also told me not to be worried about it unless six months have passed and I haven't had a period. She said to call her then, but for right now, just let it be. Needless to say, it's hard NOT to worry about it when you keep wondering when/if it's going to happen! Thanks for sharing your experience with me!

One thing you can do it track your cycle. It will help you to notice if you ovulate so you will know you are back on track. If you haven't read it yet, get a copy of 'Taking Charge of Your Fertility' by Toni Weshcler (I think that is how you spell it). I know the waiting part isn't much fun at all.

You're not alone

It also took me about 3+ months to get my period after going off the pill (I had been on it for 10 1/2 years). So you're definitely not alone. Before I went on the pill, I had irregular periods and now that I'm off, they're irregular again. As for the pregnancy part, well I'm not yet. But, my sister-in-law went off the pill because it was causing her migraines. And although it also took 3 months for her to get her first period, she got pregnant the very next cycle -- unexpectedly!! So, I don't think having that having a long cycle the first cycle off the pill necessarily means a long haul when trying to conceive. But I do second the suggestion to track your cycle to determine if/when you ovulate. And I definitely recommended getting the Toni Wechsler book. It's a very easy read and incredibly informative. Hope that helps.

Lucy K
RE: You're not alone

I will definitely look into getting that book. I had heard it recommended before, but never did get it. At my last appointment, my doctor told me about tracking by taking my temperature. She said I could do it right away or wait until after I got a period. I was doing it for a while, but quit because nothing ever changed. Maybe I will go back to it, though, so I'll know when/if anything happens. Thanks!
I was just wondering if your level of activity could have anything to do with you not having a period. I went for a year and a half without a period when I was running a lot. I wasn't too thin. I weighed 125lbs and am 5ft 3inches tall. Is there any chance your problem could have multiple causes? My doctor tried to start my period with some kind of pill. I can't remember what it was. It didn't work, but nothing seemed to be wrong. I had an injury to my foot and slowed down and my period came back. I was running between 4-10 miles a day with one day off. Just an idea. Paula
That thought had crossed my mind, but I haven't really slowed down to see if that's it. I did run a marathon back in October, but since then I have been nowhere near that level of activity. I do workout quite a bit, but I always assumed I wasn't thin enough for that to happen (I guess I always thought that you had to be really thin for that--I'm about 5'7" and am about 130-135 pounds). This is something I will definitely have to consider, also. Thanks

I am a runner also and I ran a marathon last December. About 3 weeks after I finished my last training run, my cycle sort of reappeared and it's been sporadic since then. I am not convinced that my training had any impact on my cycle, because I had been having problems for well over a year at that point. And believe me, I've got no shortage of body fat either!

Since I've had problems for so long, I've tried to find some information on how much activity (particularly running) is too much. I know my dr was concerned about me doing too much running and some articles I have read say no more than 10 miles/week if you are trying to conceive. I haven't been able to find any concrete answers though. Right now, my running is pretty sporadic for a variety of reasons, although I continue to work out 6 days/week.

Also, my old dr (I have since switched) was pretty adament about getting me on a cycle of Provera to induce a period if I went more than 6 weeks. She felt 1. that there were some increased risks to not having periods and 2. that eventually the Provera-induced period might be enough to jump start my cycle.

I guess I'd advise you to do some research and talk with your dr some more if you still have concerns.

Take care,
Like I had mentioned earlier, the thought had crossed my mind. I had read in a couple of books to only workout 30 to 45 minutes per day, every other day, if you are trying to conceive. I have also read in other books that that doesn't matter as much. It seems there's so much information out there that you can find something to support whatever way you're thinking!

Right now I plan on just seeing what happens in the next couple of months. It's been about 10 weeks since I quit the Pill. I really didn't know when I quit that this was a possibility--i just assumed everything would be normal afterwards. If nothing happens in that 6 month time frame, I am definitely going back to talk to my doctor, and maybe even play around with my workout schedule and see if that affects it.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with me.

I had similar problems when stopping the pill. When I went off after about ten years of use I did not get my period for over six months. My doctor then prescribed Provera which brought on my period within a matter of days. However, it remained very irregular and there were many months when I did not ovulate (I tracked my cycle with a basal body thermometer). Finally after about a year, my doctor put me on Clomid and I was thrilled to get pregnant and am now six months along. I think after so many years on the pill my system just needed some help. However, I have friends who had used it an equally long time and had no difficulties getting pregnant right away, so I guess everyone is different. I know it is difficult to wait when you want a baby so badly, but hang in there, if your period does not return there are things like Provera and Clomid that can help. Good luck to you!

Catherine H.
Congratulations! It's great to hear that other people have been able to work through this problem, too. I am very thankful that everyone took the time to answer--it lets me know I'm not the only one with this problem. I had been on the Pill for about ten years. I am tracking again by taking my temperature, so at least I will know if/when I ovulate. Also, I did buy Taking Charge of Your Fertility--an excellent book. Thanks again.


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