Prenatal/Postnatal dvd


New Member
The are quite a few of these on the market now but I'm pretty sure yours would be the best :D I think the prenatal and postnatal period is when a lot of women are exposed to fitness videos for the first time and this could be a great way to introduce even more women to your workouts.

I'm picturing for the prenatal a low impact cardio segment (probably not step) with a seperate 'tutorial' type track that explains stuff slowly for newbies, maybe filmed from the back? Plus a strength training segment with lots of squats and of course a stretch/yoga segment with stretches that are beneficial for pregnancy and preparation for labour. There should obviously be pregnant ladies working out and showing modifications for their trimesters (would be nice to select on the menu which trimester to follow!).

And then for the post natal a couple of short but harder cardio segments (step would be cool, again with a tutorial track from the back for newbies), a couple of strength tracks and a nice abs track. These should be 20-30 minutes each so they can be tacked together or squeezed in seperately and with suggestions of how to use them for maximum results.

Hoping you'll make one before I get pregnant.. ;)

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