Pregnancy weight gain and exercise

Cheshire Cat

Hi all I was wondering...

I'm just days off 20 weeks pregnant now :) but I don't look it (which isn't a complaint!) I've only gained 7.5lbs but have been told that I should be double this amount. Has any other pregnant exerciser found the weight gain is much slower due to a continual exercise regime? Websites I've taken a look at don't specify weight gains for a woman who exercises and I hardly know anyone at all who works out let alone anyone who trains during pregnancy!

My training schedule is nothing special anymore - 3 sessions of weights per week ie PH, ME and Push Pull plus 3 weekly sessions using Keli Roberts Ultimate Step and her Cher Fitness step tapes (sorry Cathe I'm too nervous to do your high impact stepping at the moment - I've tried to follow your routines but get left behind when I modify the lift moves on the step!).

I'd have thought weight gain would be less (or slower at least) if you exercise during pregnancy. I'd be interested to hear how it affected anyone else here at various stages throughout.

Thanks in advance!
My doctor told me because I do workout I should gain about 27 lbs during pregnancy. He said the last 20 weeks I will gain a pound a week so that leaves 7lbs for the first 20. So far i am on track with this and it has to be because I work out because I have not been eating that great at all. I do about the same as you. Except I take spinning classes for my cardio. You sound like you are doing great. I am 22 weeks now. I am due Sept 22nd. Good Luck:):)
Everyone is going to gain differently, there is no magic number. I think your weight gain is right on track! Your body knows how much it needs to gain to make a healthy baby. As long as you are not going hungry, but following your hunger cues you and your baby will remain healthy. My midwife and I had a long talk about nutrition the last time I was in and she got me out of the weight gain mindset and into the mindset of listening to my body. I had been keeping a very detailed food diary and trying to eat 100 grams of protein per day which is what a lot of experts say to do now. I did this with my last and had a 50 pound weight gain and a 9 lb 4 oz. baby. She told me that eating tons of protein like this will grow a large baby (not that eating a ton of refined carbohydrates won't). But she told me that the smaller 6 and 7 pounders are certainly just as healthy as the 9 and 10 pounders, but are much easier on the mother's body, not just delivery, but also carrying the last two months. She said as long as I am listening to my body, taking my vitamins, drinking water and pregnancy tea, and getting exercise we will both thrive. She said one day if you are just craving fruit, then eat fruit, the next day I might be craving protein, so eat good lean protein, go with the healthy cravings, and eat lots of whole foods, fruit vegetables, beans, grains, nuts etc, before turning to meats and anything processed. I hope this isn't too confusing, but once I started doing this I was feeling much better, and my weight gain slowed down. I am 24 weeks, and have gained 13 pounds now, but if I were still eating a high protein diet I would probably be up to about 17 or 18 pounds.
Hope this helps some.
I have nothing to say about how much you've gained, but as long as the doctor isn't alarmed I wouldn't be either.

What I do have to add is that for your peace of mind and quite frankly for your baby make sure you replenish your body with calories after a workout. I did not workout pregnant but did while nursing. The criteria for a nursing mom is to comsume 100 calories after a workout. Usually I had a Dannon Light and Fit yogurt which was about 90 calories. I would assume the same would go for pregnancy, but of course you should ask your doctor.
I am expecting my 5th baby and I have worked out during all my pregnancies except for the first. I gained the most with my first and he was the smallest one! Every woman's body is different and as long as you aren't dieting or overexercising I would not be a bit concerned. For me weight gain in pregnancy goes in spurts, where I won't gain anything for a while and then suddenly have a huge jump.

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