Pregnancy Check In 05/30/04


Hello ladies! Stacey, I hope all is well with you, and you have the U/S soon!!

Christy, how are you doing?

Diana & Allison, please don’t forget to stop by and let us know how you are.

My tailbone and right knee are still irritating me. It is not constant, but I these areas do talk to me. I also have a super tender public bone. I have had to adjustments with the chiropractor, and it is unbelievable how much better I feel. She uses an activator rather than manual adjustments. I wish I had started chiropractic care earlier.

Sunday: PS Legs & Abs
Monday: CTX 10*10*10 (cardio only) + PS CST
Tuesday: CTX AS (Cardio only) + Prenatal Yoga
Wednesday: KPC
Thursday: PS BBA
Friday: CTX Step & Intervals
Saturday: Walking

Take care ladies!!

EDD (Dates) 07-19-04
EDD (U/S) 07-15-04
Hello everyone!

Thanks for asking about me Autumn. I have been feeling like total crap! My doctor has put me on a high amount of Zofran for nausea and that helps a little. The problem is that it is expensive and my insurance dosn't want to pay for it. Hopefully things will work out.

I haven't been able to exercise for seven days now. I really miss it.:( Basic step/body fusion came to my door yesterday, along with the timesaver. For now I will just watch them and give my eyes some exercise.

I hope that I have not been too much of a downer. I do wish that everyones babies are growing strong and healthy!
Hi there!
Autumn - aren't the body aches and pains just so annoying? Last Weds my feet were feeling better. Then my parents came to town for a long weekend visit...which was a lot of fun. But with all the stuff we did, my feet are back to aching again, even with these great shoes I've purchased. They just don't like the pregnancy weight, I guess. Also, a muscle in my lower back has flared up this week and is causing me some grief. I've got to locate another massage therapist because the one I've been using is 38 weeks pregnant and due any day! She's so excited. Anyway, my week was light due to my feet and the visit by my parents.

Sun-High Step Circuit
Mon-Basic Step & Upper Body Add On
Tue-Basic Step & Lower Body Add On
Thu-Prenatal yoga (shopping)
Fri-off (sightseeing/shopping)
Sat-off (sightseeing/shopping)

By the way, Autumn, your workouts are looking great.

Allison - hope you are feeling better soon. When you do, I think you'll enjoy doing the Basic Step/Body Fusion workouts to help you get back into it. I think they're great for pregnancy.

Christy - you asked in last week's check-in if I thought Cathe's new beginner workouts were beginner level. Yes they are...but there are days when something like that can be just right. Especially now!

Have a great week!
EDD 8/11/04
Hi Everyone!

Well, I'm back to working out again and hoping this little one decides to come early ;) Things are going well. The aches and pains are much better these days. I actually feel pretty good! :) I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I'm 80% effaced and about 1cm dilated (hoping for more -- but, this will do!) I'm currently 37 weeks. Not much longer, now!...

Here's my week:
Tuesday - High Step Intermediate
Wednesday - Body Fusion
Thursday - Walked
Friday - off
Saturday - walked

Walking has been great lately. The weather has been wonderful [since all the rain stopped] and it's been nice to get out doors.

Autumn & Diana - I hope you get to feeling better!

Allison - you are not being a "downer". We have all had much of the same things going on and sometimes it just helps to express how yucky you feel. We are glad to listen. I'm sure things will get better once your pregnancy progresses. Hang in there! Don't worry about the workouts - just take care of yourself and your little one... :)

Have a great week everyone!
Christy - good luck to you! You must be so excited to be so close. I am so hoping for an early (37 week) delivery this time around since this was unplanned it would be such a nice break. But, I'm sure that won't happen as I wasn't early with either of my first two. And the most frustrating part was that I was effaced and dilated early and my ob gave me the talk that I have a chance of going early, and didn't. He was cool and told me not to get my hopes up, etc., but still I was so counting on it. At least I didn't end up going late and I guess I'll be happy if I can just go on time again. Do you know what you're having? I can't wait to read your post that your little baby was born. Those stories always make me cry.

Allison - I hope you feel free to vent here. I have been the worst culprit of being a total downer and that's why I left the boards for such a long time because I didn't think I was being fair to everyone else. I'm so jealous of everyone who is so excited and happy. And I know that when my baby is born, it will be love at first sight and I will feel so much better. I just can't wait for that day to come and for the pregnancy to be over. Today, my left leg (quad area) was so sore, I finally laid down for a couple of hours. It has been hurting like this pretty much everyday for the past couple of weeks now. At first, I thought I injured it. Now that it has gone on, I think it's my ligaments stretching and the leg just hurting from workouts, climbing stairs too fast, tall heeled shoes, a combination, whatever, but I just want it to go away because it's one less thing that I am in the mood to deal with. I had a very emotional day today and have cried 3 separate times. :-( But I'm feeling better now.

Take care everyone.

Allison, those insurance companies are such a pain!!!!!! I hope you can get the Zofran… it is good stuff. No need to apologize... you are not a downer. Several of us have had to battle through the nausea and all the other pregnancy discomforts, so we are sympathetic AND hoping you get through this quickly.

Diana, sorry to hear about your feet and lower back. YES, the aches and discomforts are frustrating. I hope you feel better soon. BTW, thanks re: the workouts. I think I will have to start decreasing the intensity for the sake of my tailbone and knee.

Christy, I am hoping you get your wish and baby gets here soon. I am wishing you a wonderful labor and delivery... actually, I hope each of you have a wonderful experience as I did with Sydney!! My first delivery was easy; I hope the second is just as easy.

Stacey, I am so sorry to hear your leg is bothering you. I am even more sorry that you are going through the emotional turmoil. I wish I had some words to share that would help. Please know that you are welcome here and don’t feel like you shouldn’t join us.

Take care ladies!
Thank you! All of your replies have been very kind and supportive. They really made me smile!:) It is nice to know that there is a place to go where others know what you are going through. I have been feeling a little better - I took a shower!!

I feel for you gals with the aches and pains. It can really slow you down. I hope that everyone can put their feet up!

Thanks again;-)

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