Preggi Bellies


Hello!!! Hope everyone is feeling good today!!! I'm interested in Preggi Bellies, but after visiting the website, did not get too much information on the video. I'm wondering how much core work there is. I'm imagining that b/c your on the ball all the time your core is engaged, and I know there is ab work, but my main reason to purchase this workout would be for the core work, soooooo is it worth it for that? It's $61 with shipping so I want to make sure before I purchase. I am just starting my 27th week and feeling good, still doing Cathe and other workouts, actually was able to kick it up this week from the motivation of some of the posts here from you guys who are still doing workouts I thought I couldn't. B/c of you I did Imax 2, Drill Max, Max Intensity Cardio and BodyMax 2 in the past couple of weeks, which I hadn't been doing lately. But I'm not paying as much attention to my core as I'd like. I'm doing yoga and I have Pilates for Pregnancy which I'm trying to add in 2x a week, but I find that if I dont' use a video I am just not motivated enough to work the abs. i also get nervous about lots of the traditional ab moves b/c of diastali, which I don't have bad, but there is separation. I'm keeping my core engaged through all my cardio and weight workouts and when I'm walking anywhere, but was hoping Preggi Bellies would be a great addition. Please share your thoughts with me. Thanks ladies!!!!!! Feel good!!!!!
cannot help with the dvd as i don't have it, but i will be looking forward to replies from people. why don't you join our check in???:) :)
I use the Preggie Bellies DVD. The ABS section is about 7 minutes long, but the techniques are really good for the pregnant woman. I actually use the principles and modify Cathes' workouts as appropriate. I had no back pain throughout my pregnancy and I attribute it to Preggie Bellies techniques (abdominal bracing etc).

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