Prayers needed please.....


I haven't been on much this week. We found out Monday that tragedy has struck our dear friends/neighbors. Their daughter and my daughter are best friends and have grown up together, they are like sisters. They found out Monday that his melanoma that he had several years ago has recurred and he has three tumors in his brain, a mass in his chest and abdomen and spots on his liver and kidneys. They are devastated. I feel so helpless. He started a course of radiation Monday which will last for ten days/ten treatments and then start chemotherapy. His cancer is inoperable. Please send up prayers for this family. They are the some of the finest people I've ever known. They are so giving and loving, just genuine, sincere people.

I will definitely keep this family in my prayers.

Are you by chance from the KC area...I received the exact same news yesterday regarding the husband of a co-worker. Could be just a coincidence, but I thought I would ask.

I pray for strength for you and their family. I hope you all can find peace and clarity through this difficult time.

>I will definitely keep this family in my prayers.
>Are you by chance from the KC area...I received the exact same
>news yesterday regarding the husband of a co-worker. Could be
>just a coincidence, but I thought I would ask.

No Marietta, I'm from North Carolina. I'm sorry another family is going through this also.
Jane...I am so sorry...I can understand your helpless feeling. Your dear friends family and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers....sending hugs your way...[/img] Carole
Jane, I am so sorry to hear this about your friend. Melanoma is a horrible disease. My friend, (32) died from it this year. A nurse at the hospital I used to work at has it, she is in her early thirties, has 3 small children, and her prognosis is very poor. I am so sorry for your friend, he is not alone in this terrible disease. I hope for all the best for him and his family.

Thank you for your responses. I am going over to see them this afternoon after they get back from his radiation treatment. We are taking them dinner. This will be the first time I see them. I talked to her by phone but I didn't want to go to the hospital due to the amount of family that was there. I wanted to wait until he was home. I'm still worried about seeing them. I don't want to break down in front of them, DD is having the same anxiety about seeing him, he is like a second father to her. Our daughters are so close.

Please keep praying, miracles do happen.
Yes, Jane. Miracles DO happen!

My DH's best friend beat ALL of the odds when he had cancer. He should have died 7x over but survived every incident. He is truly considered a medical miracle. When I first started dating DH this man was hospitalized and told he would not survive (this was not the first time he was told that!). I was planning on attending a funeral. Well, that was about 5 years ago! He walked out of that hospital and today he is in better health than he has been in several years!!! I truly believe that his relentless will to live and will to FIGHT TO LIVE helped him sooo much! Hopefully your friend has that will!

It CAN happen....:)

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