pp monday, monday!

wow it's a slow day!

Ryder has been sleeping great a night! I got to workout this morning and now I am doing laundry. I hate Mondays, my house is always a mess after having Mike and the boys home all weekend. It also rained most of the weekend so they managed to track mud all through the house. My mom is coming over later so she can hold Ryder while I mop the floors.

Hope everyone had a good weekend:)

Candra--I could have written your post about the boys and the weekend!! My house always looks like a train wreck on Sunday night!! Glad you're getting things done and Ryder is sleeping well!

Kate--Hi! Busy day?

Hi Lisa!!
Anyone else's little ones experiencing "hold-me-itis?" Charlie has to be held constantly, and my house is crumbling around me. I'm DYING to dust my house and vacuum! UGH!! Hoping this phase passes soon! Busy week this week. Dr visit tomorrow and I'm having to miss Tgiving lunch at Oliver's school thursday. For some reason they are having it early, and my mom is out of town and can't babysit. I'm not about to take Charlie to an elementary school that is probably swarming with germs. Oh well. I'm trying to think of a way to break it to Oliver... Mommy guilt is THE WORST!! :confused:
Stephanie-how is your incision healing? I put Ryder in the front pack to vacuum and that puts him right to sleep. That is the only way I get anything done. I even have him in the front pack when I do my hair and put my make-up on:D

Hi ladies!

Just popping in for a quick hello! I haven't been here on the site for a couple of weeks. It's been a rough month--dh's dad is rapidly losing his mind, among other various events/illnesses, so computer time is rare.

Congratulations, Lisa--I am so glad that everything went well for you. Snuggle that wee one and nuzzle that newborn head for me. Gwen is simply huge--like nursing a butterball turkey--she is stout!

Stephanie--the moby wrap I bought works like a charm. It snuggles her really close and is very comfortable for me as well.

Hi Candra, Hi Kate--hope all is going well for you--sounds like you are all adjusting to the new routine?

Hi Jen, Hi Morris, Hi Kristan and everyone else!

I continue to lose weight sloooooowly, but it is coming off--inches as well. Our house is a perpetual train wreck, in fact I'm probably a candidate for one of those shows.....:eek:. I'll have to post some pics and then you'll see the house in the background and know I'm not exaggerating.

Take care all!


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