postpartum check in week of July 25


Hi all,
I fowarded some of you a humorous clip I was sent. Hope all is going well for everyone. Its hard to believe Alexis is almost 11 months. She finally started crawling but crawls like a spider. Still no teeth. I weighed her, she weighed in last week with a poopy diaper at 15 pounds. We went to ny over the weekend to see my parents, mom didn't want Alexis to leave. Actually had an ex over with his girlfriend . He moved to California and he too was visiting his family in NY. It was nice to be thinner than his 26 year old girlfriend. This was my on and off boyfriend from age 18-20 and we stayed in touch. He is the opposite of hubby. I understand why i loved him at 18 but also why we would have killed eachother as adults. It was nice to see him though. we last saw eachother about 8 or 9 years ago. Anyway on to my workout week:

Sunday-firm lower body split
Tues-stepblast+SPJ abs
Thurs-off-travel day (did go shopping at outlets, does this count?)
Fri-Franny B.-cia 9905-hi/lo plus most of cardio kicks
Sat-karen Voight's-power packed workout plus winsor sculpted hips, thighs
Hi everyone!

Shopaholic--does Alexis crawl on her hands and feet? Is that what you mean by crawling like a spider? Hoo boy does life change when they are mobile, but I am sure you are prepared with gates and other safety stuff:).

I lost 2 lbs this week, which has not happened in a loooong time, so what did I do? Ate too much to celebrate! Ha ha. I have about 10-12 lbs to lose and I hope to lose it by Thanksgiving, so that I can be maintaining by the time the holidays hit--that works out to be about 1/2 lb per week, so I think I can do it.

My workout week:
Wed S&H Chest+1st half of IMAX Xtreme
Thurs S&H biceps, abs+Step Blast premix (45 min)
Fri S&H Shoulders+HSTA legs/cardio premix
Sat off
Sun S&H Back+2nd half of IMAX Xtreme
Mon S&H Triceps+Step Blast premix (44 min)
Tues REST:7

I'm done with slow and heavy for a while. I've loved it, but I am going on to 2 weeks of circuits, then a rest week, then I am going to do Cathe's July rotation (I think:))

I hope everyone else is doing well. Look forward to hearing from you.

take care
Hi Everyone!
This is my first week checking in post-partum. Maisie is now 5 weeks old and growing like crazy. ;) I had Mom's Club at the hospital last Friday and she is already 11 pounds.
Unfortunately, Maisie has colic, so, getting workouts in is a bit of a challenge...but, it's getting better as time goes on and she gains weight. Last night we had a 5 hour sleeping stretch! It was wonderful (for me!)

Here's my week: (It feels so good to be exercising again!)

Sunday - 2 mile walk
Monday - Bootcamp + 1 mile walk
Tuesday - Ab Ripper X (P90x)
Wednesday - off
Thursday - Shape it Up
Friday - Firm it Up
Saturday - off

I look forward to checking in with you all and getting to know each of you.

Take care!
Christy, welcome. It is tough to get exercise in those first few weeks.
Maggie, congrats on the weight loss and great workout weeks. Yeah, i guess Alexis is crawling on hands and feet , i'll have to look.

I am not officially joining in here yet :), but I wanted to ask you if you had considered a chiropractor for Maisie's colic? A friend of mine took both of her kids to the chiropractor for colic and it RESOLVED it! The doc she took them to would only do a max of 3 treatments... it took 3 with her son and 2 with her daughter. My chiropractor adjusted Jordan when he was 9 days old... one leg was longer than the other. Anyway, he did seem more content afterwards.
Just something to think about!

I will be joining in here next week... it felt sooooooo good to exercise! I almost posted Monday re my first post-partum workout! I knew y'all would understand my excitement... my friends and hubby think I am crazy! :)

I look forward to joining you ladies!
Hi Christy and welcome to our post partum check-ins:7

Autumn--look forward to your presence as well.

Shopaholic--our 2nd child crawled on her hands and feet (as opposed to hands and knees). We called it "bear crawling"--not sure why.

So when are we not considered post partum anymore?

i think we really are no longer postpartum. I started posting on the mothers check in on vf. maybe we should start a moms check in here? Can you believe our kids are almost 1 year?
Maggie/Shopaholic: Am I still postpartum? ;) I can't believe your babies are almost a year old. Where does time go?

Welcome new postpartum mom's Autumn & Christy. It's refreshing to hear from new people. :)

My workouts continue to be boring on paper. Running & abs. 4-6X/week.

Justin still gets colicky/fussy...but it is definitely improving. Prilosec has helped (something I compounded up at the pharmacy). He doesn't spit up as much, and has shown less signs of reflux. I seriously considered taking Justin to a chiropractor. The only thing that held me back is that DH & others said he 'wasn't that bad'. What does that mean? As the primary caretaker wouldn't I be able to tell what warrants(sp?) treatment?!?!? Anyway, I think we're almost through it.

At 6 1/2 months he doesn't have a reliable enough schedule to get a workout video done. He's also not sleeping through the night (Jory didn't until 8 mos). He's also refusing solids (Briee, you're not alone). I have very few complaints. I love my angel so much & look forward to having another one someday. :) I'm so blessed!!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie, running and abs are great workouts. You may want to add some 20 minute quick weight segments though if you can get Justin to cooperate. At that age, i worked out while Alexis was in her swing. Now I put Alexis in her pac and play when I exercise.

Autumn, I almost forgot to welcome you. Welcome.
I don't like weight work. :( I'll do weight work if it's in disguise or combined with a killer cardio workokut. My triceps are a bit flabby though...

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie-man i wish all you had to do was weights! I do like to run tho.:) Do you have the timesaver workouts?Those are fun!I am borrowing my Moms and it makes me want to order the whole series.;-)
Your MOM does Cathe? Yahoo!!!! That'd be awesome if I could borrow vids from my mom. She does Richard Simmons. :p I won't borrow those!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi ladies! Next week Dominic has his 2 month check up. I think he is about 6 1/2 lbs from the inexact step on the scale with baby method of weighing. I think he's going through a growth spurt now though so this week workouts have been nonexistent as not only am I permanently breastfeeding but frantically planning my husband's surprise 30th birthday party which is this weekend. I'm glad we're both turning 30 this year--I told him it seems more respectable to have 5 kids and be "in your thirties" than "in your twenties." I also have a question for you all--my bleeding stopped for at least 2 weeks and now all of a sudden I have what seems like a heavy period, not just spotting. I don't remember this from past postpartum times. Any ideas? I really don't think it could be my period as I am nursing around the clock.
If the bleeding doesn't stop, I would call the advise nurse, just to see what she says. When I was a first time mom, I knew everything, because I read all the books, but now after 5 kiddos, I have forgotten everything:p.

take care
Momto many, wish i knew the answer, i agree with Maggie get a medical opinion.
Melanie, I hope I didn't offend you. I think running is great exercise.
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

Melanie, I suspect reflux with Jordan... milk shoots out of his nose as he swallows when he is nursing fast and furiously. :) I am hoping he will get passed it. He is a really good baby despite the reflux. I jlust wish he would get on a schedule... Sydney was on a schedule within the first week. Last night was great... he nursed at 10 pm... slept until 4 am... finished nursing at 4:30... slept until 8 am. I feel like a new woman. :0

Thanks again for the welcome.
Shopaholic, don't worry about me...I don't get offended very often. Either I'm too stupid to or just too laid back. :p Anyway, I too think running is a great workout. I've actually gotten some of the best results ever with just running. ;) I just think it's boring to write on a log. It's not as colorful as all your guys' logs. :)
Wow Autumn! Jordan is doing great with feedings & sleeping. Yahoo!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie...shame on you for thinking that your running schedule is boring!!! I wish I could write it into mine. BUT I am as bad at running as you are at weights!! I have always admired runners!!! I was thinking that MY P90X workout log was getting boring so I've kind of quit listing it too. Can't wait for Hardcore!!

Okay lets give your workouts a name:

Melanies schedule:

Monday: Quad and calf supersets
Tuesday: Imax III (miles that is) plus abs
Wednesday: Step jump and pump (over the curb and through the woods 4 miles)
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Interval training with Melanie (running sprints)
Saturday: P90X quads, calves and glutes (more running).

Hey I almost forgot...I got my copy of the Ab ripper back and could send it to you if you would like to "View" it or do it!! email me your address!!

You GO Girl!!

Briee, you're too funny!!! Of course, I didn't work out as many days as you did. This week has been awful b/c the weather is cold & I haven't taken Justin out....
Here's my e-mail: [email protected] I'd totally like to try your Ab Ripper!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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