Post Partum July 29th


Hey Mommies:)

How are your little ones treating ya? Rylan as been good lately but is becomming more work. He likes to be on the move and of course he can't move much I have to be the one to cart him around most of the day;)
I thought about giving up bf'ing a few times this week but I always end up whiping it out and sticking it in his mouth:) LOL A part of me is ready to give it up and another isn't. And i think he is enjoying the bottle more b/c he gets it faster and within minutes he as 6 oz gone. Two times this week, I nursed him and then after I was finished he drank 6 oz...I don't think he is getting much from me anymore.
Not only that but he chews on the nipple of the bottle and I know its only a matter of time before he starts doing that to mex(

Kristine, I bet you are looking forward to your trip home? How long are you going for?

Stacy, i didn't know you were a twin! My sister will soon be home. She as been in Ottawa for the last month preparing for invetro! They are implanting the eggs today so keep your fingers crossed!!

Trish, nice to see you back. Did you get any workouts in last week?

Here is my workout week:

Mon- 60 mins run
Tues-60 mins run
Wed- BC/PH/MIS UB and 40 mins run
Thurs-HST & 20 mins run
Fri- 60 mins run & GS legs
Sat- 60 mins run

Lots of running! Working on the tan:)
HAve a good week everyone!
Hello all!
Sigh....well, no workouts last week for me:( I'm afraid with my vacation and getting Ryan resettled back into some sort of routine has thrown off my working out. That's okay, it was a fantastic break and I feel ready to start back up. I plan on hopping on my elliptical tonight for some cardio.

Ryan is a rollin little man, it's so funny. He really can go pretty far too. He's also pushing his little bottom up while on his tummy and can "scoot" backwards. Love it. I have been slowly working on sorting through my other kids' toys with a bizillion pieces and putting them away in containers with lids. Need to do a bit of baby proofing as I think he'll be on the crawl in no time:) He's also really getting some fuzzy hair coming in (he's been completely bald up until now) and it's so soft.

Well, in a few weeks my oldest son starts kindergarten!! gulp...going to be tough on me, but I know he's very excited and ready. My daughter will be doing a 3 morning a week preschool program. It'll give me some nice time with Ryan and a bit of a break. I'm hoping to get at least 3 of my workouts during the week done in the morning while they're at school and Ryan's napping. That'll be nice.

Okay, feeling pretty chatty I guess! Lori, very cool about your sister and her trying to conceive. I sure hope all works out for her and the in vitro process goes smoothly. Yes, I'm a twin and my sis and I are very close. Her baby is soooo cute (of course I'm biased) and I'm so happy to share the motherhood experience with her.

Kristine, how are things? Trish, glad to hear from you!

Well ladies, better get some motivation and get off my butt and exercise tonight;)

Have a great week!

Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
Hi ladies,

Sorry, checking in late as always ;-) .

My workouts last week haven't been great either. Had a bladder infection and didn't feel like cardio. But I am back on track now.

Here are my workouts from last week:

Mon - S&H Bieceps and Triceps
Tue - off
Wed - S&H Chest and Back
Thu - off
Fri - S&H Legs and Shoulders
Sat - off
Sun - off

Heidi is doing well. Just as Ryan, she is rolling around all other the place. She scoots backwards a little bit as well, but without her butt in the air. She got on her knees a couple of times, so I guess, she is getting there. She talks and laughs all day long, it is so cute!!! Had a hard time to get her down for her naps last week, because she is so excited, but looks like it is getting a lot better. She is not laying still in her crib anymore either and is all over the place. So I bought her a sleep sack, so I don't have to worry about her getting cold. I think she likes to sleep on her tummy because that's how I find her most of the time ;-) .

Lori - I am going for 2 weeks again, I can't wait, it's going to be really nice.
I thought too that Heidi wasn't getting enough milk but I think it has gotten a lot better. I nurse her during the day and when she gets a 8 oz bottle before she goes to bed and she doesn't even always finish it. I also feed her solids twice a day. I will go back in 2 weeks to weigh her to make sure she is gaining weight.
Does Rylan seem fussy and hungry or is it just you? I thought too that I was ready to wean but now things are going better and I am happy I still can nurse her. I know you are going back to work soon, so it might be easier if he is on the bottle anyway.

Stacey - Everything is going well. You are not the only one that didn't do well with workouts last week, but a little break is always nice and we are back on track now ;-) .
I guess I need to start baby proofing the house as well. I already bought those things for the electrical outlets, so I can put those in her room, after she rolls all over the place, hehe.

Ok, ladies, Heidi just woke up, gotta go
Kristine :)
Hi Mommies,

Gosh, it feels so good to be working out again!! It really can just make your whole day feel better :D

Well, here are my workouts from last week..

Mon: AllStep (it's an oldie, but a goodie;-));Ab Hits#3 & #4
Tues: KM & CM2
Wed: LG; Ab Hits #3
Thurs: CM2 (Woke up late)
Fri: Off (Amaya's birthday)
Sat: Off
Sun: KPC & MM w/core

Lori - My best friend is scheduled to have her eggs transfered next week. We're praying that all goes well as this is her second attempt at ivf and the cost is so high.

Stacey - Amaya is starting kindergarten in september:eek: She doesn't adjust to change very well, so we'll see how it goes. I know she's excited about going to the 'big kids' school;)

Lori - Don't you love those sleep sacks?? They are so warm and cozy, I'm hoping that I can find one to use in the fall/winter. I'm not sure what size they go up to.

Olivia had her 6-month visit last week and she's up to 16 lbs. 4 oz!! She's such a chubby little cutie:+ She has the cutest little fat legs...I love them...

Ok ladies, chat with you later.

Hey Girls,

Just thought I would check in mid week:)

Stacy, your going to be going through some changes this comming month? Its so hard to ship them off to school and with everyday they become a little more independent. I can remember taking DD right to her classroom, then it was to the school door, then it was watching her from the car, and then watching her go to the school bus...which she had to cross the st!x( I was not impressed...but I got use to it! Good luck!:)

Kristine, I bet your parents are excited that your comming home again! I can't imagine what it will be like though , trying to keep a 7 month old still for such a long flight! I think the bf'ing part was a bit of both of us, Im not making what he needs right now...and he has two teeth;( Ouch!

Trish, you got some good workouts in last week! Good job! I love their chubby little legs as well!

Well, yesterday was my first day not nursing and I am having mixed emotions. I think its partly guilt even though I did it for 7 monthes. Why do I feel like its not enough? Im not even that full so I don't think it will take me long to dry up. Anywa, I hope today is better then yesterday. I guess it will get a little better with each passing day.

Hi ladies,

Lori, mid week check in sounds good, I'll join you :) .

Trish - Wow, you did some impressive workouts last week, that is wonderful. I just don't have the energy and 1 hr workout is plenty for me.

Lori - Don't feel guilty that you stop nursing. My Dr. said that the first 6 months are the ones that the baby really benefits from and after that it doesn't really matter anymore, so you did a wonderful job and you are doing what's best for Rylan. It'll be a lot easier once you go back to work as well. So once again great job, you should be proud of yourself!!!! :D

Stacey - Are you back on track with your workouts? I sure am and it feels good.

Ok, ladies, gotta get me some breakfast
Kristine :)
Hi everyone!
Nice to check in mid-week, good idea.

Kristine, I've been fighting a migraine the last two days (get them with my period, no fun). I did however, workout on Monday with Low Impact Step. I plan on jumping on my elliptical tomorrow night, and should be back on track the rest of the week to get my 5 days in. I was so sick today that my husband had to take Ryan to my mother and father in law's house for the day. I'm thankful I have them near when I need help with the kids.

Lori, how old is your daughter? Is she a big help with Rylan? Thanks for relaying your story on her starting school. It makes me feel better to know it's hard on other mom's watching their little ones venture into the "big school". He is excited, and I'm sure he and I will settle into a good routine and he'll adjust in no time. I'm so happy I'll still have my daughter home in the afternoons and of course little Ryan. I think one of the hardest parts of being a mom sometimes is letting go a bit and watching them become more independent. But, they have to go through it:)

Trish, that's so neat that you also have a kid starting kindergarten! I'll be curious to hear how your daughter adjusts. Glad to hear the workouts are going well.

Well, hope you all have a good end of the week, we've got a couple of kid birthday parties to go to on Friday and Saturday, which is a blast for my little ones.

Okay, talk to you all soon. Wish me luck with the workouts!!

Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01

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