post-partum inches vs weight loss question


Hi moms!

I'm 4.5 months post-partum and trying to understand why I've lost many inches but few pounds. I just discovered -- happily!-- that I can now fit into and zip my size 6 and 8 jeans...though they still look too vulgar to wear. :-(

I've been working out daily doing cardio ~35-55 minutes and weights combined with pilates moves. I'm happy to slowly be getting my shape back, but I'm still about 10-13lbs away from my pre-preggo weight and just wondering why the weight stays but I seem to be shrinking. I gained 40 altogether.

Any thoughts? Did this happen to you? If so, how long did it take for the weight to fall off? I'm still nursing 50% of the time.

Thanks for any insight!
I have another couple of months before I go through this...but could some of the weight actually be your breasts, particularly if you're still nursing?

I swear that each of mine weighs 2-3 lbs on their own right now, and I not due for another 2 months.

Just a thought.

I think if your pp clothes are fitting and you're losing inches, you're in great shape. Maybe don't focus on the scale so much?
Thanks you're right...I am happy for ANY loss and I'm not usually focused on my weight as a number at all, I'm all about my clothes fitting properly and just feeling good about myself. And I DO feel so much better about myself. :)

I'm just trying to understand what's going on with my body really. It's my first pregnancy so I have nothing to compare it to. I lost 20 lbs within the first 3 weeks and looked pretty good except for my belly (of course). But then I slowly began to gain weight back, thighs, hips, arms...all got bigger even though I began working out and walking as early as I could. It's like the rest of me got bigger while my middle got smaller. So my weight dipped, then went up again, then stabilized and didn't budge for about 8 weeks and now it's slightly lower (maybe 5lbs) but I've lost most of my gut and quite a bit off all the other trouble areas...though my thighs have been stubborn!!

So...I just want to understand how I could lose so many inches and have only lost 5lbs or so since my weight stabilized. It doesn't really make sense to me. I guess I just need to chalk it up to the fact that I gained muscle. (?)

Here's an interesting blog about this subject, if you're interested...
Oh and big congrats on your pregnancy!!! I hope things go smoothly for you and your little one.


p.s. that's a good theory about breastfeeding but mine aren't that much bigger, thankfully. I was blessed with little ones... :)
For me, roughly 1 lb equaled 1 inch. How's your eating? I worked out 90 minutes a day and didn't really lose much, but once I started eating cleaner the weight just flew off!
That's good to know, 1 inch = 1 pound.

I started eating cleaner about 4 weeks ago and it has really helped. Though Easter and a slew of birthdays have gotten me slightly off that path on occasion. But I'm getting back on track and have been pretty good at sticking to it, we'll see...gotta step on the scale again.
I am in the same boat. Back in my clothes for the most part, but not back to my weight. I don't get it either. Kudos to you for getting your workouts in and eating clean! I hope you see the results you are looking for soon!

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