post partum check in


Hi everyone,
Hope all you mommies are doing well. I am finally back in almost all my clothes, left with only about 1 pound to go. Took both my girls for check ups yeserday. Both girls are a little below the 10th percentile in height, less in weight. Morris, Finn may be well suited for Ashley. She weighed in at a little less than 10 pounds, 23 inches. Big sister weighed in at 24.5 pounds, 34.5 inches and this was her 3 year physical. Ashley did well with her shots but does seem a little fussy this am. We are back to our walk taking and I must admit, I underestimate how difficult walking 1 1/2 miles each way with a double stroller. On a side note, I started taking my sit and stroll stroller shopping and it moves very well. Started Ashley on solids, she is not sure what to think about them but boy was she a mess! Hope to hear from you other mommies soon.

Sun-RAW-cia+TJ fatblaster
Mon-walk to the park+slim and lean +ctx kickbox-cardio only
Tues-reebok intense moves and extreme step
wed-firm bootcamp +walk to the park
Thurs-powermax +PS abs
Fri-billy's favorite moves+cardio live
sat-Mindy m.-bootcamp kickbutt
hi everyone

hope you all are enjoying the start to fall. it is so beautiful outside. we are walking lots too as finn loves to see trees and leaves and anything outdoors. i too am back in almost all my clothes but i have put on 3 pounds much to my dismay. i attribute it to my crazy appetite as well as being so very tired. i am hoping though, if i pay a bit more attention it will come off again without much trouble.

i started abck to work last week, and i have to say, i had a really hard time leaving my guy at daycare. i am so fortunate to be able to work part time, and i know in the long run i will be glad i kept working, but it is hard to leave finn. this week has been a little easier, so i hope that trend continues.

mary, shopper, and any others in cold climates, i have a question. what do you put on your littlest ones when they go out, whether it is just to the mall or out for a walk as it gets colder? we are expecting a freeze tonight!

my week

sun - kpc, boot camp cardio only, me lower body only
mon - run 8 mil
tues - run 8 mil, legs and glutes
weds - imax 3, musc endurance upper
thurs - run 7 mil
fri - step lbast, pub
sat - run 8 mil

shopper, what solids is ashley eating?
hello ladies, shopaholic you have great workouts and morris ...andrew is hot all the time so i usually put him in a long sleeve onesie and a blanket oh and socks. if we go for a walk i put light cotton pants on him with a light blanket. i started andy on rice cereal and today i ground up some bananas which he actually was lunging at the spoon for. i took him for his 4 month check up and he weighed 19lbs 10 oz and is 26 1/2 inches long(what a moose) i am trying to remember my workouts but i am having such a bad week. i found out that my mom has relapsed ovarian cancer and will be starting chemo again next week. i cant even beging to imagine life without my mom and i am scared to death of this disease. thursday we are going to a holistic/chinese medicine dr. in manhattan. at this point i will do whatever i have to. sorry to go on and i will keep you posted

did 3 firm videos and lomax
Marry, i am so sorry to hear about your mother's relapse. my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Wow, 19 1/2 pounds! As I wrote at 3, Alexis weighs 24.5 pounds.
Morris, great workouts. I find especially when nursing, my weight flexuates by up to 3 pounds daily. You may not have gained all the weight you think. I have dressing Ashley in fleece and covering her her a blanket in cooler weather. When the real cool temps come, I have a warm cover that goes in the car seat carrier. Ashley has been given rice cereal and baby applesauce so far. She doesn't care for either but they do fill her petite belly.
mary, i am so very sorry to hear about your mom. i can empathize with how hard it is when one's mother is going thru cancer treatment, and a relapse is scary. i am sure she finds a lot of comfort with her children and grandchildren. please write here anytime if you just need to let it out. it is so very very painful. you are in my thoughts.

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