Post Partum Check In Week of June 11


Hi new mommies!

Well I started working out lightly on friday. It's great! I didn't work out over the weekend but this morning I did Basic Step and the stability ball abs. It feels really good even to do an easy work out like BS. I was feeling so BLAH because I wasn't moving around. I intended to do lots of walking but I don't have a treadmill and the weather here got too hot FAST therefore, walking was quickly eliminated from the plan! I went to the mall one day it first got hot to walk but the mall is too far of a ride to do that all of the time.

Had one heck of a busy weekend! Joey and I visited my aunt and my mom on friday afternoon/evening. Saturday we went with DH to his company picnic, then out to dinner and then for a walk on the boardwalk by my house. Sunday we went to DH's cousin's house for a swim and to hang out for a while and then we went bowling at night. BUSY was lots of fun though!

Gotta go give Joey a bath now...we are going out. Heading to my job to visit! Gotta show him off you know! ;) :p :+

Have a fantastic week everyone!


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!
Hi all!

Last week went well. My brother is in town. It is so nice to have an extra set of hands. Rylee is doing well. She still has a crying fit everynight around 7pm. I bought some mylicon drops and will see if this helps her gas issues.

Rylee has started to smile back at me! It is so cute! I can also tell that she is trying to talk and makes all these cute noises.

I still haven't started working out but I plan to next week if I can find some time.

Also I just accepted a new job!!! It is in DC so we will be moving in August! It's going to be a crazy summer!
Hi Mommies! On Friday, I drove one hour north to visit my parents and my in-laws. It is so nice to have all this extra help with Andy. I am so used to having to rush around when we visit on the weekends, so I decided to stay a few extra days. My DH had to start grad class today, so he went back with a friend last night. He misses us a lot, but at least he can catch up on his sleep:)

I don't know if it's because of the heat (I know, excuses) or what, but I have not been motivated to workout much.
Here are my workouts from last week:
Mon: HC Extreme-legs/cardio
Tues: walk-20 min
Wed: off
thurs: KPC (1/2 hour cardio segment), Push/Pull upper body, 10 min. abs from Basic Step and BF
Fri: 20 min. walk
Sat: off
Sun: swimming in my sister's pool (not serious swimming)

I just ordered GS Legs, and I am contemplating ordering either Low Max or the new kickboxing workout. My birthday is coming up on the 20th, so I can ask for one (or more).

I had Andy in the pool yesterday, and he liked it. I put him in a small innertube, and he wasn't sure at first, but then he kept smiling and cooing.

Wendy-I took a look at your pics of Joey (he is adorable). Imani-where are you moving from? I have a lot of relatives in the DC area (in MD-Montgomery and Frederick Counties).

Have a wonderful week!

We live in Colorado now. Both of our families live on the east coast (MD-Baltimore County and NC) so we are looking forward being closer to family. Especially now that we have Rylee!

I am so excited- Eric made major attempts tp roll over to one side from his back today! He would have succeeded too if his arm wasn't in the way...;-)

I didn't do much cardio in this heat...

Sun. Walking 60 min. + Cathe CTX Abs 10 min
Mon. Mindy- Extreme Intervals 45 min.
Tues. Kathy FF Lower Strength 20 min. + Cathe CTX Abs
Thurs. Cathe Kickmax Timesaver 48 min. + Walk 45 min.
Sat. Cathe Musclemax Upper Strength + Core

Thank God there's a break in the heat wave today!

Jen V

It is absolutely gorgeous!! I will definitely miss the mountains when we move. I'm just glad we got to spend 3 years here plus we are taking back the best souvenir (little Rylee)!

So I got the OFFICIAL clearance from my doc yesterday that I can resume my normal life again! That means no holds barred on my exercise! YIPPEEE! :7 So yesterday I did ctx 10*10*10/ctx back work/l&g floor only premix and today I did push pull. 10*10*10 was GREAT when you don't have to modify it! What a difference being able to do the high impact as-is does for your work out! I was sweatin' up a storm! It was great! }(


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!

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