Poll: which is tougher - Leaner Legs, PS Strong Legs, or S&H Legs?


New Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-02 AT 08:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Doh! The subject should be toughest, not tougher since I listed more than two. <slaps forehead>

I haven't done S&H, but I'm curious what you all think about which workout is "toughest". The real answer is probably "they're all tough"! but IMHO, I've found PS **so** much harder.

Why? I sweat more for Leaner Legs. The next day I'm fine. PS has me saying "ow, ow, ow" everytime I walk up the stairs. The bridge work for the hamstrings kills me. The floor work with the body bar is TOUGH!

Curious to hear other responses! They are both great workouts, and I can't wait to try S&H!
To me, LL is *tougher* because I dislike endurance type workouts more than strength or building ones. SLA is my favorite Cathe tape. It gives such great results. It nearly killed me for the first 5 times or so I did it but now I find myself adding weight almost weekly and really enjoying it. I love the floor work. I will never wean myself off this tape because of the floor work. It's so effective. I'm up to the body bar plus a five pound ankle weight on that. Burn, baby burn!
I'd have to rate LL as toughest! Probably because of the endurance aspect as well. The "no breaks" makes it a tough one for me, where as the slower paced workouts like S&H and PS-SL&A are easier to me overall, although the floorwork on PS still makes me roll over and rub my thighs after the outer thigh lifts! K-60~you have my respect! Body bar and ankle weights for the floorwork? WOW!~ I'm still crying "mama" with NO weight added to the floorwork! :)
With me, if I'm not gasping for breath and burning like crazy, I just don't feel like I'm working hard enough. It's probably not a healthy attitude, but I was a tennis player and softball player in college and had brutal coaches in both. They never cut you any slack. If you could still walk after practice, they were pissed off (LOL).
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-02 AT 07:32PM (Est)[/font][p]Leaner Legs!!! Those low ends! But they do such great things for my lower body, I can't complain too hard! I agree with K60, it's the endurance type that kills ya! Sure a 50 lb. barbell is rough , but if you're only doing 8 reps, it isn't AS BAD as the 9,000 she makes you do in LL! Okay, perhaps I exaggerated just a tad on that last one. Cathe even called herself mean in a thread once called "Which move do you dread?"
RE: Poll: which is toughest - Leaner Legs, PS Strong Legs, or S&H Legs?

Thanks for the responses and the link. Wow - a body bar and a leg weight - my new goal!

RE: Poll: which is toughest - Leaner Legs, PS Strong Legs, or S&H Legs?

LL has got to be the toughest one around! I wonder what the actual count is on those squats and lunges...9000 seems too little! I like owning this one but do S&H legs more because I need to build my thighs and butt (S&H really works for that) plus it is a workout I can live with. LL targets my thighs differently, if you want the line on the side of your thigh this one does it. Not to mention the ugly duckling walk right after.

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