Poll: What is Your MAX.............


Alright ladies, since a lot of us do not use the traditional gym, we don't have to "compare" ourselves to others (a good thing IMO).

But, I was wondering if you would like to post how much your estimated max is for certain exercises? I guess STS has me thinking about this. I also think this could be motivational!

So here goes:

Side lat raise-20lbs, 6 reps
Front raise-15lbs, 8 reps
Overhead Press- 15lbs 12 reps (m/b could use 20's, but I hate these:)
Chest Press-30lbs 10 reps
Chest flys- 25lbs 12 reps
Underhand Rows- 60lb barbell 10 reps
One arm rows- 35lbs 10 reps
Bicep curls- 20lbs 8 reps (m/b 10 if well rested)
Concentration curls- 20lbs 12 reps (m/b could go higher?)
Overhead tricep extensions- 25lbs 12 reps (scared to try 30's)
Lying tricep extension- 35lb barbell 12 reps

Feel free to pick and choose your own exercises--these are just a few off the top of my head! And again, this is an estimate of your max--this is what I am currently grabbing!!
I'll try to guessimate best I can here. I don't know how many reps. Depends what routine I'm doing, what I did before that exercise, blah blah blah...so I'll just post highest weights.

Side lat raise (arms more bent) - 40 lbs
Front raise-30lbs
Overhead Press- 30lbs
Chest Press-80lb free barbell; 100 lbs bench w/ spot
Chest flys- 40lb
Underhand Rows- 80lb free barbell
One arm rows- 55 lb
Bicep curls- 60 lb barbell
Concentration curls- 40 lbs maybe?
Overhead tricep extensions- 30lbs
Lying tricep extension- 55 lb


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.
Well, there ya go! Debbie, that sounds AMAZING! I wouldn't even have thought that was possible!

Your amounts blow my mind as I'm just getting into to lifting heavier!

Thanks for the response!
I think I need to hire Miss Debbie to come here and whoop my butt into shape! I know I'm the one that's supposed to be the trainer but um...Debbie scares me!!!!:p
Aww, thanks, you guys. I believe there are quite a few heavy lifters that could, ummm, squat me under a table as well :p


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.
>I'll try to guessimate best I can here. I don't know how many
>reps. Depends what routine I'm doing, what I did before that
>exercise, blah blah blah...so I'll just post highest weights.
>Side lat raise (arms more bent) - 40 lbs
>Front raise-30lbs
>Overhead Press- 30lbs
>Chest Press-80lb free barbell; 100 lbs bench w/ spot
>Chest flys- 40lb
>Underhand Rows- 80lb free barbell
>One arm rows- 55 lb
>Bicep curls- 60 lb barbell
>Concentration curls- 40 lbs maybe?
>Overhead tricep extensions- 30lbs
>Lying tricep extension- 55 lb
>Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours is

Hi Debbie,

Thats great! How many times a week, how many sets, and reps do you do? Thanks!
At the risk of embarrassing myself I will give this a go....

Biceps curls: 17.5# DB's
Tricep kickbacks: 10# DB's
Overhead Tricep Extenions: 20# DB
Overhead Shoulder Press: 15# DB's
Front Raises: 8# DB's
Side lat raises (bent or straight): 10# DB's
Chest press: 25# DB's
Chest fly: 20# DB's
Underhand BB rows: 50.5#

This ofcourse is all subject to change upon which work out I am doing but atleast it gives you an idea of how weak I am!:p
WOW!!! And I thought I was strong....Debbie is the strong woman round these parts for sure!

Not sure of my "maximum" weights really. I am doing a program that uses a certain rep count for each exercise, so my weights vary.

You all rock the weights for sure, thanks for the inspiration, will bring that into today's workout!:7
Wow-you ladies are strong. I'm hoping with STS I will be able to lift heavier. I seem to be stuck as I haven't been able to increase my weights. BUT, I can now do one chin up (I'm working on two) and 42 push ups in row.

>Wow-you ladies are strong. I'm hoping with STS I will be
>able to lift heavier. I seem to be stuck as I haven't been
>able to increase my weights. BUT, I can now do one chin up
>(I'm working on two) and 42 push ups in row.

Jo-Jo!! I have never done a chin up in my life - so doing one is still doing more than I do!!! And 42 push ups in a row is pretty impressive!!!

I did 4DS back/chest this morning and since some of the sets are either 8 or 12 reps, I thought I'd toy around with trying to figure out my 1RM. I was surprised in that for most exercises, I could lift heavier than I thought. I was also a bit sad as I realized I pretty much never lift as heavy as I could/should be. Now, I know I don't need a DVD to help me remedy that, but it's nice to know STS will be here to motivate me when I feel lazy.
Joanne- great job on one pull! That is a goal of mine! But, I am no where NEAR being able to do it! Having a pull up bar helps with this ;)

Jillybean--I love it when I can go heavier than I think I can and often wonder how many times I am going too light! Kudos to you! That's what it is all about!
Be sure to read Cathe's post helping us to better understand STS, before you jump in to lifting as heavy as you can.

Before I read that post I started lifting as heavy as I could for a Pure Strength rotation for 3 weeks. It was so hard on me. Then I read her explanation of STS and see that she plans to gradually work up to only 80-90 percent of our 1rm by the end of the program. And somewhere she wrote that lifting as heavy as you can may seem the right thing to do, it isn't.

So far, the heaviest weight I have is a set of 25lb. dumbells. I can handle them for 10 reps for chest and back work. On other moves I can use Cathe's weight selections or a little heavier.


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