I work out 6 days a week, getting up very early in the morning to do so. My workouts are about 1 hour long, then comes the 10 hour work day, chores when I get home, other responsibilities, other sports. I try to eat clean. I really do not want to put out much more effort/time to stay/get in shape. Then when it's TTOM, I go up about 3-4 pounds. I worry that those pounds will not come off and that this time, it is permanent. Of course, the reality is that they do come off when TTOM is done. But I always worry, guess it feels like I'm out of control during that time. That water weight goes right to my hips and thighs mostly.
We are our worst critics, that's for sure. Other folks don't notice 3-4 pounds on us at all, but to me, it's there. Don't feel too bad, Laura, you're not alone and I'm sure you are in fantastic shape.