

Active Member
I read an article about Plyorobics recently and I was wondering if anyone had those videos. There are apparently 3 videos and they sell a mat that you're supposed to use with the videos. I already have aerobic mats in my workout room, so I'm not thinking I'll need the mat, but I'm curious what your opinions are on these videos.

I read some old posts on the forums that gave some descriptions, but none of the posters had tried them so they couldn't rate their difficulty well.

Anyone tried them? Were they tough? I'm wondering if they're like Bootcamp without the weights or the drills at the end of Cardiokicks since those both have some plyometric work in them.

Thanks for your thoughts,

What a coincidence! I just posted about these on a thread at VF asking about workouts that can be adapted to the rebounder.

I have all three videos, but no mat, as I bought them to use on my rebounder. For rebounding, the "Plyorobic Challenge" video works really well. I haven't done them for quite a while (will have to put them on my "dustbunnies-to-do" pile), but I recall not liking the other two as much, especially the "Plyosport", but that was from the perspective of someone using them on a rebounder. Guess I could try out the other two on my Home Depot mats (since I have mats in several colors that I could arrange in a way that the colors would cue foot placement).
Thank you for the info.

That is quite a coincidence since these are somewhat old!

I picked up from their website ( that the Plyosport had lots of lateral moves which would be tough on a rebounder. That's the one that sounds interesting to me because it sounds like the highest intensity level of the three.

I couldn't get any kind of idea of what to expect regarding the intensity level of all of them though. I know using a rebounder will alter that some, but can you compare it to a Cathe video intensity-wise?
>I couldn't get any kind of idea of what to expect regarding
>the intensity level of all of them though. I know using a
>rebounder will alter that some, but can you compare it to a
>Cathe video intensity-wise?

I've just put these on my "to-do" pile, so I'll let you know once I do them. I think I'll try the "Plyosport" on my Home Depot mats to get a better idea of how it compares to Cathe (would be more like Boot Camp, I think).

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