Please help. Need recommendations on proper diet.


I'll start with my profile. I am 27 years old, 5'10", medium build, and weigh 165 lbs. I would like to get to the low end of my weight range for my height and build (so you can actually see those muscles hiding under my fat) which means losing about 20 lbs or so.

I usually exercise 90 to 120 minutes each day. Two days a week I work my upper body for an hour w/ 30 to 60 minutes of step class or kickboxing afterwards. Two days a week, I work my lower body for about an hour w/ 30 to 60 minutes of step class or cardio machines afterwards. One day a week, I concentrate on cardio for 60 mins w/ 30 mins of ab work--and one day a week, I concentrate on full body sculpting for 1 to 2 hours.

I know that the reason I'm not losing weight is because I can't seem to figure out how to eat right. There are so many plans out there that I can't decide which one to stick with. So...I was wondering if based on my profile and my workout schedule, I could get some recommendations on a healthy way to fuel my body and lose the weight. I don't have a lot of time for planning and trying to figure out all of the ratios of protein, fat, and carbs. I guess what I'm looking for is a sample meal plan I could go by. What works for you?

Not sure I'll be much help. Here's my two cents.

If you have been prone to switching from diet to diet or eating plan to eating plan you may have messed with your metabolism which may explain why you aren't currently at your goal weight given the amount of activity you do. You should try to find an eating plan that will become a way of life for you, not something to try for a few weeks/months and then move on to something else. Therefore, I encourage you to do a lot of research and reading on the different plans that are out there before making a decision. Which one sounds like it will be the most easily incorporated into your lifestyle? Are you willing to take the time to prepare food and snacks? Are there any food allergies/sensitivities that would make a plan difficult to modify or follow? I think every plan has it's pro's and con's and not all plans are for everybody. By spending time doing the reading/research and making a very thoughtful decision you will find what's best for you.

I personally have experienced great success following the Zone eating plan, a plan where you try to balance protein, carbohydrate, and fat into 40/30/30 ratios at each meal. I lost over 20 pounds and have kept it off your over 4 years now. I know that other people here have also had success with physique transformation, body for life, weight watchers, and others. Like I said earlier, if the program really makes sense to you and seems like it can be easily incorporated into your life, you will have success.

Also, because you are such an active person, make sure that you are eating enough calories and aren't inadvertently shutting down your metabolism by eating too little. You could probably eat between 1800 and 2000 calories and still see positive results in losing weight.

Sorry so long. Good luck!

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