Please help me make my next purchase~


Active Member
I was debating between the CTX series and the Gym Style workouts... I already have the Slow & Heavy series, but have heard wonderful reviews on the Gym Style workouts.
I am not looking to lose any more weight, just to increase my definition.

Any suggestions?


First of all, CTX combines cardio and strength, while GS is just strength, so I'm confused about what you are looking for. Also, the CTX series, as I understand it, is great for those who are short on time, while the GS workouts take a big chunk of time. I've had my GSs now since they first came out and STILL have not found the time to do them!

So, what exactly are you looking for?
I guess I am looking for strength gains and increased definition. While, I do have the Slow & Heavy series, I haven't had much time to do them.
I do have a few tapes to the CTX series...Power Circuit and All Step I believe. Right now I am trying to do 30 mins cardio in the morning and doing my weight work at night, but haven't had much energy to do so lately.
My vote is for the Gym Styles. I love them and you can cut back on time with the premixes. You might eventually end up with all of Cathe like the rest of us anyway...:+ :7 ...Carole
Thanks, Carole.

What Dvd's or Rotation did you do to receive yous great definition? I did have the P90X series, but just recently sold it.
Thank you...:)...this pic was after a P90X rotation and very clean eating...(I went Vegan)...:)..Carole

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