YEAH BABY YEAH!!!! They pulled it off! What a game! I was a nervous wreck there for a few minutes. I thought this is it. This is the game where they always CHOKE! But they proved me wrong! And I am PSYCHED!!!!!!
Hope Big Ben's arm is ok. Some guy hit him in the tricep area of his passing arm and he did not play as well as he had been after that. Will just be chanting for the next week "Please let them go to the Superbowl; Please let them go to the Superbowl!
Now we go to Denver! May the best team win Terri!
Hope everyone's teams won whoever may be into it!
Hope Big Ben's arm is ok. Some guy hit him in the tricep area of his passing arm and he did not play as well as he had been after that. Will just be chanting for the next week "Please let them go to the Superbowl; Please let them go to the Superbowl!
Now we go to Denver! May the best team win Terri!
Hope everyone's teams won whoever may be into it!