Pining for "Intensity Series"


Am I the only whack-job who's spending an inordinate amount of time anticipating the new Cathe workouts, to the point of planning what nights I'm gonna do which workouts and also planning my own little variations of them? I've already written out the descriptions in a Word file, and have come up with three variations that incorporate The Terminator DVD. AND, presuming I have a job after the first of the year (that's a whole nother story), I'm planning on taking off some time at the end of December strictly for the Intensity Series.

I need a life. No, wait! I have a life! I just need The Intensity Series.

Annette Q. Aquajock
Obsessed But Sincere
RE: Aerobicide Cell Mate

Girl, me too! I was just thinking that I could email you and we could come up with some rotations! I was a tad worried because so many of these workouts incorporate cardio and weights that I might not be able to do them all in a week. HAH! I am sure that once I preview them, my rotation will look something like this:
Mon. Boot Camp
Tue. Recuperate
Wed. IMax II
Thu. Sleep
Fri. Cardio and Weights
Sat. Brief hibernation
Just kidding! Let me guess Annette:
Mon. Teach class
Tue. IMax II followed by your own lifting
Wed. Cardio Max with your own leg cycles
Thu. IMax II
Fri. Your own lifging
Sat. What the heck, IMax II
I can't wait for this series!!!
RE: Aerobicide Cell Mate

Can I just say we are gluttons for punishment I can just get thorough Imax I and here I am desperate for Imax II. I can't even discuss Bootcamp too upsetting I can't wait for the UPS van to turn up outside my door. He's liable to dragged into the house as the van pulls up to the gate.

RE: Jillybean, my partner in aerobicrime

E-mail me off the board at:

[email protected]

I've come up with The Exterminator Workout (hint: goes a step beyond The Viper, into the realm of The Squirrel, The Gopher and The Woodchuck) - would be delighted to swap ideas wicha!

Obsessed with IS!

I'm so obsessed that when Cathe was six months postpartum I went out and bought a DVD player praying she would come out with some new workouts. Right now I only have videos so I haven't even used the DVD player once. DH and I are going out next weekend to get a 27" tv soley for Cathe's new DVD's. Oh, and hooked up to surround sound, of course!!!:D:D:D:D. Me, obsessed? Thank goodness I have a husband with a little OCD. We balance each other out quite well!

Hi Annette,
Your posts are always so great! You are so funny and informative. You sure have a way with words. I can't wait for the new series. I would love to have your rotations too if you wouldn't mind emailing them to me. [email protected].


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