Phase 2 P90X

A few results.

Phase one broke the post preg plateau that I was stuck at. I leaned out considerably. I lost those last 5 pounds. My core feels MUCH stronger than it ever has. I enjoyed phase two, but let me tell ya...when I got into phase three (I'm in week 9) I swear I went through all the pain again in my upperbody with the chest and back workout just like the first time - does this ever let up????:eek: :eek:

I feel like my upperbody is stronger than ever, but interestingly I haven't added bulk which is what I WANTED to do. My intentions weren't really to lean out, I'm wanting some size added to my shoulders and I feel like I'm getting hard and tight. Maybe that layer of fat came off and I just THINK my shoulders have decreased in size. Regardless, I'm adding some more shoulder exercises in hopes of adding some muscle. Also, I'm doing the rotation with heavy weights, but I think I would like to go through the P90X again and REALLY go heavy so I can add some muscle.

My plan is to finish this series and then do it again and use heavy weights and super slow reps. The wonderful thing about this series is that you can do this. When I do pullups I want to pull up on the bar and then go down super slow, etc....super slow pushups, super slow weight sets. Hopefully this will add some size to my leanness. :7 :7 :7

Have fun in phase two!! Isn't this a great rotation???

That's really good to know, it gives me an idea of what to expect. I'm glad you are getting really good definition. I agree with you as far as the beauty of this workout being the fact that you can modify it to your liking. I'll have to check in with you and see how you do through the second go around. I have only finished my first week and my core feels very tight and strong and it's only my first week. That may be my imagination, but it certainly feels that way. Thanks for the information.

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