Personal Trainer Exam


Hello everyone,
I'm now trying to get certified as a personal trainer and need some help. I need to design a workout program and a meal plan for 31 yrs old male, 5'11", 205 lbs whose goal is to lose 15-20 lbs. How does the total daily calorie intake be determined at the very beginning of the program? All sample case studies I've seen doesn't really agree with my way of calucurating these total carolies for a day.... I really appreciate if anyone would help me.

Sorry, have no answer for you, but I do have a suggestion and his name is "Trevor". Trevor gives fantastic advice on this sort of stuff.

We have a great load of experts on this forum, but I mention Trevor because your subject is a guy.

Just start another post with "Help me please "Trevor". If hes around cyberspace, Im sure he wont mind helping you.

What certifying organization are you using? Unfortunately, that will probably make a difference in the answer expected. Did they send you some reading/study materials? If so, did it discuss how to setup a meal plan for someone of that age/height/weight?


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