Peanut Butter Cupcake Recipe


Here is the recipe requested by some of the ladies in the Peanut Butter thread. These were so good! I made them for my niece's kindergarten party and thought the kids might ignore them in favor of the Hostess and Duncan Hines goods, but to my surprise they couldn't get enough of these!! The flavor is excellent: a nice balance of the peanut butter and chocolate! Sorry, the magazine did not provide nutrition info.

PEANUT BUTTER CUPCAKES (from Organic Style but NOT a clean recipe!!)
Prep Time: 35 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 25 minutes
Makes: 20 cupcakes

2 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup creamy natural peanut butter (I recommend Smucker's all natural!)
1 large egg
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 cup whole milk

3 ounces milk chocolate, chopped
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 tablespoons heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
3/4 cup confectioners' sugar
Sprinkles for garnish (optional)

1) Position an oven rack in upper third of oven and preheat to 350. In a small bowl whisk together flour, baking powder and salt. In a large bowl, with an electric mixer on low speed, beat peanut butter, egg and vanilla until blended. Beat in about 1/4 milk until smooth. Add flour mixture alternately with remaining milk and beat until just combined.

2) Place paper liners in 20 1/3-cup muffin tins. Fill each a scant 2/3 full with batter. Bake about 25 minutes until lightly browned around edges and a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Leave in tins until cool enough to handle. Remove from tins and let cool completely on wire racks.

3) Meanwhile, make frosting. Bring a saucepan of 1 1/2 inches water to slight simmer. In a heatproof bowl set on the saucepan, melt chocolate with two tablespoons butter, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. In a large bowl with electric mixer on medium high speed, beat 3 tablespoons butter, cream, vanilla and salt until smooth. Add confectioners' sugar gradually, beating after each addition. Add chocolate mixture and beat until smooth. Ice cooled cupcakes with frosting and garnish with sprinkles.



If you do make them clean, let us know!! I usually fiddle with recipes myself but when I'm making something for the first time I like to do it the way the recipe calls for, so I know the baseline, so to speak. Nice excuse to eat unclean, huh? :D


Thanks for sharing Sparrow! These sound yummy! I plugged the recipe into my recipe software and it gave me the following nutritional information, in case you're interested. (I think it's probably better to NOT know!) These stats are per cupcake. My software is probably not entirely accurate, but it's a good ballpark. :p I think I'll make these this weekend for my MIL's birthday! :D

Calories 249kcal
Protein 5g
Total Fat 11g
Sat. 4g
Mono. 4g
Poly. 2g
Chol. 21mg
Carb. 36g
Fiber 1g
Sugars 25g
Sodium 167mg
Thanks Sparrow:)

Sarah, when you get the recipe clean will you please e-mail it to me:) Emily that nutrition info was nice of you to look up. Thanks ladies!

Wow Emily that's pretty cool. Is that recipe software widely available? I am such a low tech girl I had no idea that could be done. I create my own recipes all of the time and would love to know more about this. Let me know please and thanks:)

Take Care
Emily, I plugged your numbers into my WW calculator and it comes out to 6 points per cupcake. That would be a very occasional treat. I allow myself 22 points a day, so that would be a big chunk of points. Of course, I earn activity points, so may I can do IMAX3 on the day I make the cupcakes and have it free. (if I could stick to just one that is)!!
Thank you thank you thank you for this recipe. A mother made this for one of my husband's karate parties and he hid 1/2 of them in his office. The Mom made them for the kids, not for him. But he gobbled them up. Two karate Christmas parties she brought them. She said she would email me the recipe and never did. I kind of forgot about it.

So I am printing this out and making them as a surprise for my hubby's b-day.

Thank you Sparrow!


There are several recipe management software packages available. When I say "several", I mean hundreds! Many of them will calculate nutrition information for you. One of the best ones for Windows machines is Cook'n:

It comes in several versions with different pre-loaded recipes (Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Taste of Home, and Barbecue Bible). You can, of course, add your own recipes. :9

Since I use a Mac, I can't use this software, so I have tried several other programs for Mac and bought the one I liked the best. If you need info on recipe programs for Mac, let me know and I can help you out. :)
I just did a little "cleaning" and got them down to about 190 calories per cupcake. Not too hard to do with a few substitutions/reductions. They won't taste quite the same of course, but they'll still be GOOOOOD:9 . I think I could get them even lower if I spent some time and used a little stevia here and there. Let me know if you want to know where/what I substituted.
MMMMM....peanut butter!

I made double chocolate chunk cookies with raisins and oatmeal a little while ago and there was only 1/2 c. of brown sugar spread among 48 cookies. They are SOOOO good, especially with, what else? PEANUT BUTTER!
OMG Emily.......I had no idea, I went to the link and watched the demo with my mouth hanging open:eek: I I neeeed that software, DANG!!!! It's too late tonight but tomorrow, I'm goin' SHOPPING!!!! Thanks so much for enlightening me..... I'm excited:7

Take Care
Thanks I think:)
I had to print this recipe . Now I know I can only make it when there are others to share. I love peanut butter:) I would probably eat most of them on my own. I bought the grandchildren peanut butter toast crunch cereal, due to a request, I will not do that again. I think I ate most of the box. LOL BTW what do I do with the left over peanut butter:)
Diane Sue
Suggestions on cleaning this recipe the top of my head:

2 cups all purpose flour USE WHOLE WHEAT INSTEAD
2 teaspoons baking powder FINE AS IS
1/2 teaspoon salt DON'T USE SALT...DON'T NEED IT
3/4 cup creamy natural peanut butter (I recommend Smucker's all natural!) FINE AS IS
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract FINE AS IS
1 2/3 cup granulated sugar USE SPLENDA
1 cup whole milk USE SKIM MILK

I am not sure about the frosting...maybe cocoa powder, vanilla...yogurt??? I don't know. I pobably wouldn't do frosting at all, for I'd be happy with the peanut butter cupcake!!!
Emily, I love that recipe software. I'm going to get it. Can you figure the nutritional info on the cleaned up version Sarah just posted?
These could be made a bit cleaner (if anyone cares!) by using barley flour (a whole grain flour that is nevertheless light and sweet) instead of the all purpose flour.

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