Pattern of weight gain?


Not to belabor this topic, but our recent discussion about healthy weight gain got me wondering about the typical (I know, there's lots of variability) pattern of weight gain for pregnant women. For those of you that have gone through this, did you gain steadily or in spurts? Did it sneak up on you and hit you all at once or did it come gradually? I know they say that you should expect to gain about a pound a week after 20 weeks, but I wondered if that kind of gradual gain was a common experience. I feel like I'll be in good shape if I gain only 18 more pounds (I've gained about 10 so far), but then I wondered whether it was realistic to assume I could just keep doing what I'm doing and that's how it'll work. For people who have gained a lot of weight in past pregnancies, did it hit you all in the last trimester or was it pretty gradual?

With my first, the weight gain was steady. With my second, it was spurts. I gained 6 pounds over 2 weeks at one point. Really frustrated me. I had no edema... my DS was only 6+#s... so it must have been a huge production of amniotic fluid or that 15# placenta my doctor described at delivery to ease my weight gain guilt. ;)


~I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.~
I gained 10 pounds FAST before the first trimester was over and then the weight gain slowed down considerably. I gained 35 pounds total. I was pretty happy with that.
I gained 8 pounds the first 22 weeks and 8 pounds over the last 4 with this pregnancy. When I went to my doctor's appointment this week I was shocked by the rapid weight gain. This is my 7th baby. I usually gain between 30-35 pounds during my pregnancies. I guess I shouldn't have been shocked. I haven't been exercising regularly for the last 8+ weeks.


P.S. I just went to the web-site JulieL suggested going to where you can see how much weight you should have gained at your specific stage of pregnancy. I am exactly where I should be (actually on the low end). That's encouraging!!
My weight gain has been gradual. I only gained about 4 pounds in my first trimester. I've gained about 20 pounds so far, so I"ve gained the most of it in the 2nd trimester. I"m gaining about 1/2 lb per week right now. This is my second pregnancy - I gained 28lbs with my son.

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