Pain in elbow after triceps workout



I think I hurt my elbows seriously by going way beyond my limits when lifting weights to work my triceps.

I was at the end of my last set of triceps exercise when I couldn't lift anymore and decided to push as hard as I could, I even screamed. Of course it was in vain. I had DOM for a few days ( normal). Fast forward 3 weeks, I did another exercise( don't know the name) where the bottom of your body sits on the medicine ball and your arms hold the upper body and you bring your feet to your tummy. well after that exercise, I feel pain in my elbows whenever I make an effort, for example: when I carried the vacuum cleaner upstairs, or when I hold a gallon of is hurting a little right now while I am typing. It also hurts if I rest my elbow on a desk.

Has anybody experienced something similar to this, has anything helped?
This happens to me too! For me, it's usually when I go too heavy or push myself too hard. The lying extentions are the ones that seem to really get my elbows, for what reason I do not know:eek:

I wonder if it's because of the repetitive motion that normally I do not do with alot of weight. I haven't hurt bad for a long time, maybe all those little "elbow muscles" are building strength:D

Not sure I helped at all - just to let you know I feel your pain}( x(
Possibly tendonitis. I get this in my knees and elbows. If i push too hard on squats especially. Ice it, take some iburprofen for inflammation and give it a good rest. Then don't push it too hard after that cause it can flame up again easliy.
Be very careful. I had this and it just kept getting worse and I was finally diagnosed with tennis elbow. I've had to lay off on UB work for a while and am taking anti-inflammatories daily and wearing a brace. It can be incredibly painful.
You know I was going to post about this because I have the same problem when doing tricep work. When I am doing extensions with one weight behing my head my triceps feel like they can handle the weight but my elbow area is screaming in pain. I did not know if maybe my form was wrong or something.

This happened to me, too. And, once it happened, my elbow pretty consistently bothered me during overhead tricep work (for whatever reason, it doesn't really bother me during kick backs).

What I find has helped, is wearing an over the counter elbow brace. I put it on during tricep work, but have to loosen it during bicep work.


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